Father Lombardi: “Ratzinger will inspire the Church of the future” | CultureIdentity

Talk with Father Federico Lombardi, the Jesuit at the service of three Popes – John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis – is an experience that enlightens the heart and the mind. The man of “Vatican communication”, today president of the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation, outlines the figure of Pope Ratzingerwho in all his … Read more

Ratzinger, Card.Gambetti: United Benedictine life and Franciscan spirituality

faith The Pope of Dialogue “A Pope whom the whole world has known as a simple and humble worker in the Lord’s vineyard, who has carried the deposit of faith towards the ever new horizon of the life of the Church, who has amazed us with the gesture of extraordinary strength of … Read more

Farewell to Pope Ratzinger. The man of the monastery and the link with Ciociaria

“Where is God? What is he like and what does he want?”. The path that a “man”, like Pope Benedict, took and had done to arrive almost rationally at the love of God, starts from the base. “God is love” embodies the centrality of eight years of pontificate, it is the key to understanding the … Read more

The evolution of Joseph Ratzinger: from Vatican II to the Holy Office, dragged down by pessimism

Joseph Ratzinger He was born in 1927 in the Bavarian town of Marktl am Inn, the son of a rural policeman who moved numerous times during the first 10 years of the life of the until now Pope. He was a deeply believing Catholic and hostile to National Socialism: “He saw with incorruptible clarity that … Read more

Logbook. Goodbye to Ratzinger, when soft power also shoots the Holy Spirit

Benedict XVI, Pope Ratzinger Pope Ratzinger’s resignation is linked to a singular coincidence for me: for a strange coincidence on the morning of 11 January 2013 in which he resigned I was called to commemorate the day of remembrance in the Tuscan regional council, an honorable task but a somewhat ritualistic (and I don’t like … Read more

Ratzinger and Cassino, from the stay in the abbey to the visit as pope

Those who have lived it will hardly forget that tolling of the majestic abbey bells. It was 17.50 on 19 April 2005 when Monte Cassino announced to the Land of San Benedetto the election of the new pontiff, which took place seventeen days after the death of John Paul II. That announcement for the Territorial … Read more

Cardinal Müller: “Ratzinger was never a man of power, but a humble servant of Christ”

by redaccioninfovaticana | 01 January, 2023 Joseph Ratzinger was a great scholar of the classical German university tradition. But that shouldn’t invoke the stereotype of the unworldly professor. As a leading expert on Augustine, he knew his theology of history in “De Civitate DEI,” where all the cruelties and inhumanities of ancient Roman imperialism were … Read more

Joseph Ratzinger, el Papa de la ortodoxia cristiana que no pudo con el peso de la púrpura

Joseph Ratzinger será recordado como el Papa que abandonó el trono de Pedro. De poco sirven su extensísima obra teológica, su limpieza –bien intencionada pero poco eficaz, según sus críticos- de un Vaticano bajo sospecha, su vigilancia férrea del cumplimiento de la doctrina o su lucha contra las ideologías dominantes que daban la espalda a … Read more