Logbook. Goodbye to Ratzinger, when soft power also shoots the Holy Spirit

Benedict XVI, Pope Ratzinger Pope Ratzinger’s resignation is linked to a singular coincidence for me: for a strange coincidence on the morning of 11 January 2013 in which he resigned I was called to commemorate the day of remembrance in the Tuscan regional council, an honorable task but a somewhat ritualistic (and I don’t like … Read more

La spiritualité et le yoga comme outils du soft power indien : ambitions et contradictions

Depuis son arrivée au pouvoir en 2014, le nationaliste hindou Narendra Modi a fait de la promotion du yoga un axe majeur de sa politique culturelle et diplomatique, un outil du soft power à l’indienne. L’une de ses premières mesures après sa nomination en 2014 aura ainsi été de créer un ministère du Yoga et … Read more

MOROCCAN SOFT POWER – By Mustapha Sehimi

Soft power? A concept that now has its place in international relations. It designates the capacity of a political actor (State, multinational firm, NGO, network of citizens, etc.) to indirectly influence the behavior of another actor or the definition by this other actor of his own interests and this whole through structural, cultural or ideological … Read more

MOROCCAN SOFT POWER – By Mustapha Sehimi

Soft power? A concept that now has its place in international relations. It designates the capacity of a political actor (State, multinational firm, NGO, network of citizens, etc.) to indirectly influence the behavior of another actor or the definition by this other actor of his own interests and this whole through structural, cultural or ideological … Read more

Travel in France. Visit to Sète in autumn, when the city becomes soft and melancholy

International mail The cities of the South have you of these melancholies when the tourists leave… Sète is no exception to the rule. And coming back to the singular island after the madness of summer provides a mixed feeling. We appreciate the calm of the depopulated streets and we can better see the city, its … Read more

Films and series, French soft power

The arrival in force, in recent years, of streaming platforms (Netflix, Amazon, etc.) has considerably upset the audiovisual landscape and made the border between small and large screen increasingly porous. It has also contributed to providing new possibilities in terms of financing and international visibility for French productions. With the hope, for French films and … Read more