L’oroscopo per il 2023, segno per segno, di Paolo Fox

di Paolo Fox Oggi il 1 gennaio 2023: scopri cosa ti riservano le stelle. L’oroscopo segno per segno con tutte le previsioni di Paolo Fox su amore, lavoro, salute e fortuna Ariete Ariete, buon 2023! Un anno che, fin dai primi mesi, si rivela importante. Tutti quelli che stanno aspettando una soluzione economica, che devono … Read more

Paolo Fox horoscope today Sunday 1 January 2023: have you read the forecasts from Aries to Cancer

Paolo Fox horoscope January 1 Aries The soul is often compared to a fire, a flame that burns, moved by the wind. In every religion fires are lit: votive candles, candles, lights. They symbolize the will to keep alive the aspiration to the Divine and the Sacred. Transits in 2023 tell of a warm and … Read more

Paolo Fox’s 2023 horoscope: «It will be the year of spirituality (and yoga). Pisces and Taurus win in love»

Of Candida Morvillo 2023 according to the astrologer Paolo Fox: «Saturn is against (but it’s not bad news). From February Aries must focus on love. It’s time for revenge for Leo. Successes at work for Aquarius in May» Paolo Fox, what the astrologer predicts: what year will 2023 be? «Of austerity, a return to the … Read more

Paolo Fox’s 2023 horoscope: astral predictions for luck, work and love

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for 2023: astral predictions on luck, work and love for each zodiac sign. Paolo Fox’s horoscope for 2023 is one of the most popular searches among astrology and astral forecasting enthusiasts. Paolo Fox is one of the best-known Italian astrologers, known for his accurate predictions and his direct and forthright style. For … Read more

Paolo Fox horoscope tomorrow 21 December 2022: the advice of the stars

ARIES This is a new start for you in the area of ​​creativity and expression. Look for new projects and ways to express your talent. Good for having children, new creative projects, romance and adventures. Jupiter in your sign (solar or ascendant) boosts your self-confidence and courage, increasing your creative and fulfilling potential. BULL This … Read more

The Gospel According to Saint Matthew by Pier Paolo Pasolini

The life of Jesus in the cinema would have generated only a series of crusts, on the Hollywood kitsch side or on the illustrated catechism side, if Pier Paolo Pasolini had not signed in 1964 a masterpiece, embodied and poetic, political without being sacrilegious , who had the audacity to please – almost – everyone: … Read more

Mirafiore Foundation: Friday 16 December Paolo Bricco “Adriano Olivetti”, Saturday 17 December tribute to Gianmaria Testa

Photo downloaded from the Mirafiore Foundation Facebook page SERRALUNGA D’ALBA The meetings of the Laboratory of Resistance continue in the theater of the Mirafiore Foundation with a new double appointment. On Friday 16 December at 7 pm Paolo Bricco, journalist, essayist and special correspondent of “Sole 24 Ore”, will hold a meeting on the figure … Read more

Stand Up, Lo Spettacolo Di Paolo Rossi Nel Salento

  Galatina – Uno stand up per raccontare i classici in un modo non convenzionale, con libere associazioni tra passato e presente. Link Sponsorizzato Paolo Rossi, accompagnato sul palco dalla chitarra di Emanuele Dell’Aquila, rende vive, davanti ai nostri occhi, parole che hanno tremila anni, spaziando da Omero a Shakespeare, passando per Orazio e altri ancora… «In … Read more

Pier Paolo Pasolini and Paul VI, two unexpected whistleblowers

What do the anticlerical screenwriter Pasolini and Pope Paul VI have in common? The same passion for Christ and the same revolt against the bourgeois mores of materialistic society. The publisher Michel Cool sees in them a common spiritual resistance to the chaos of the world. This year marks the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini … Read more

Paolo Fox weekly horoscope from 21 to 28 November 2022: incredible forecasts for the day

ARIES This is a very strong period that expands your connection with the spiritual side of life. Your faith will be intense and your perception of the subtle sharpened. Psychological and subconscious issues tend to express themselves more intensely, but in a sense of healing, liberation and transcendence. Your faith tends to be renewed during … Read more