Success at the Da Vinci high school for the literary café on Pasolini and Caravaggio

It was a morning full of insights and comparisons in the name of culture and art that of January 14 at the Liceo Artistico “Leonardo Da Vinci” in Aversa. The “Literary Café. Caravaggio & Pasolini” began with greetings from the director of instinct Margaret Montalbanoafter which there was the intervention of the professor Rosalba Corvino. … Read more

The Gospel According to Saint Matthew by Pier Paolo Pasolini

The life of Jesus in the cinema would have generated only a series of crusts, on the Hollywood kitsch side or on the illustrated catechism side, if Pier Paolo Pasolini had not signed in 1964 a masterpiece, embodied and poetic, political without being sacrilegious , who had the audacity to please – almost – everyone: … Read more

Cinema as a gift, from Pasolini to Jerry Lewis

the essential Celebrated this year by the Cinémathèque de Toulouse and the Ombres Blanches gallery, Pasolini’s centenary comes in a box set, as do Kubrick, John Hughes and Jerry Lewis. The Cinémathèque de Toulouse and several arthouse cinemas in France celebrated the centenary Pier Paolo Pasolini This year. A box allows you to come back … Read more

Pier Paolo Pasolini and Paul VI, two unexpected whistleblowers

What do the anticlerical screenwriter Pasolini and Pope Paul VI have in common? The same passion for Christ and the same revolt against the bourgeois mores of materialistic society. The publisher Michel Cool sees in them a common spiritual resistance to the chaos of the world. This year marks the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini … Read more

The left passed from Pier Paolo Pasolini to Saviano: unequivocal proof of decadence

We receive from Mario Campanella and gladly publish One hundred years ago Pier Paolo Pasolini was born, a brilliant young Friulian with a vocation for writing and poetry. He was a communist but Tito’s communists killed his brother because he was Italian. His party, the PCI, expelled him for being homosexual. That young man … Read more

Pier Paolo Pasolini: Memory(s) and resonances (Strasbourg)

Pier Paolo Pasolini Memory(s) and resonances March 21-22 –University of Strasbourg On March 5, 2022, Pasolini would have been one hundred years old. In the Peninsula as in France, tributes, theatrical releases of restored films or other works honor the one that Italian society nevertheless tried to put on the index, like the censorship to … Read more

47 anni senza Pier Paolo Pasolini

Quarantasette anni fa, nella notte fra il 1° e il 2 novembre 1975, veniva barbaramente assassinato all’Idroscalo di Ostia il grande scrittore, saggista, giornalista, regista, sceneggiatore e intellettuale friulano. Nato a Bologna nel marzo 1922 da madre friulana – Susanna Colussi (1891-1981), insegnante – originaria di Casarsa della Delizia (PN) e padre bolognese – Carlo … Read more

At Musica Civica the tribute to Bach and Pasolini: Iaia Forte and Valentino Corvino protagonists at the ‘Giordano’

The XIII edition of Civic Music continues on 9 October at 7 pm at the Teatro U. Giordano in Foggia with “Tra la carne e il cielo” the show-tribute simultaneously to PP Pasolini and JS Bach conceived by the violinist and conductor Valentino Corvino, who is also its interpreter in his double … Read more

6 mystical works by Pasolini

♦ Popular: “Accattone” (1961) “Accattone”, 1961, by Pier Paolo Pasolini. / Arco Film/Cino del Duca/CHRISTOPHEL COLLECTION From his first film, which depicts the tribulations of a small pimp, Accattone (Franco Citti), in the suburbs of Rome, the filmmaker affirms the complex relations he maintains with a Catholicism whose popular rituals and aesthetics permeated his Friulian … Read more