Shock over the death of Luana Hervier, renowned influencer of yoga and healthy living

Luana Hervier was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She arrived in the country when she was just seven years old (@luanahervier) Luana Hervier’s instagram account has 118 thousand followers. The description says by title “Yoya, development of the own heart” and breaks down “online and face-to-face yoga classes, Yoga teacher trainer, deep healing therapist, health … Read more

“Afferrò la mano per tagliarsi un dito”. Yeats, lo Yoga e le donne

L’introduzione agli Aphorism of Yoga di Patañjali è l’estremo lavoro di William Butler Yeats. Il libro esce per la Faber nel giugno del 1938; Yeats morirà poco dopo, nel gennaio del ’39. Il libro – testo fondamentale della pratica meditativa, poi tradotto in ogni forma e in ogni lingua: dello Yogasutra, in immediata disponibilità, conto, nel … Read more

La spiritualité et le yoga comme outils du soft power indien : ambitions et contradictions

Depuis son arrivée au pouvoir en 2014, le nationaliste hindou Narendra Modi a fait de la promotion du yoga un axe majeur de sa politique culturelle et diplomatique, un outil du soft power à l’indienne. L’une de ses premières mesures après sa nomination en 2014 aura ainsi été de créer un ministère du Yoga et … Read more

Meditation and yoga among sausages and cabbage: this is how the arrival of a Hindu community has revitalized a town of 40 inhabitants

Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Manolo are fifth. One is a Hindu teacher of international prestige; the other, a man from Zamora with strong hands for the slaughter. Both are 67 years old and live in Brandilanes (Zamora, 40 inhabitants), a village near the border with Portugal that is doubling its population thanks to dozens of … Read more

“Namasté”, a term used in yoga. But do you know what it means? Here is the answer

All you need to know about “namasté”, the Indian greeting accompanied by the gesture of reaching the hands at the height of the chest, chin or forehead, while hinting a bow with the head Eleonora Biliotti 08 November The word Namasté has now rightfully entered our vocabulary and this thanks to the great diffusion of … Read more

The forum that put all the religions on the planet to speak and laid the foundations of the yoga that you practice

On May 1, 1893, the World Columbian Exposition in Chicagoa world fair that, over the next six months (until October 30) would bring together all kinds of events in the US capital, predominantly those dealing with new inventions, prototypes and products that were intended to be launched on the market, as well as attractions, shows … Read more

Yoga, pilates, qi gong, tai chi: which one is right for me?

Holistic approaches, combining well-being of body and mind, have been on the rise since confinement. Are you wondering which sport would suit you best? Response elements. Yoga, Pilates, Qigong and Tai Chi all combine movement, breathing exercises and meditation to improve physical, mental and emotional health as well as spirituality. All of these practices work … Read more