A brief analysis of the categorical triumph of the Rejection

Having believed exactly the opposite of what the electoral result showed, I thought that it would be the “approval” that would be around 60%, I want to reflect on this error of appreciation of the current moment. This result of the plebiscite shows me that I was not looking correctly; I want to take advantage … Read more


CINEMATOGRAPHY AND EPIC FILMS IN THE BOOK ASTROLÌA AND THE MYSTERY OF THE THREE CATHEDRALS by Fabrizio Abbate A thriller that recalls cinematography in an absolutely innovative way. There are many books on cinematography and films, an endless list. Lives of actors, directors, great producers, news stories, moments of production of great films, stories and … Read more

Venice 79: Clare, saint and rebel. The review of the film

Director Susanna Nicchiarelli returns to the Lido in competition with a non-traditional biopic focusing on the founder of the order of the Badesses who collaborated with Francesco D’Assisi Francesco di Liliana Cavani with Mickey Rourke and Helena Bonham Carter and the musical as Hair or Jesus Christ Superstar. The musical humanism of the Anonima Frottolosi … Read more

Témoignage d’un pasteur après trois semaines de mission en Arménie : Quel avenir pour le pays ?

En tant que français d’origine arménienne de la troisième génération, je me suis réveillé tard à mon arménité. Je n’ai retrouvé mes racines arméniennes, sa culture, son histoire et sa foi chrétienne, qu’au moment de Mai 68. Je ne suis pas un homme politique. Le but de mon cri d’alarme n’est pas d’entrer dans le jeu … Read more

Libros de Amazon México más populares para regalar este día

Luego de la pandemia de coronavirus que puso de cabeza al mundo entero, el sector del libro tembló ante el futuro incierto que tenía al frente, pues las novedades comenzaron a quedarse congeladas temiendo lo peor. Sin embargo, gracias a plataformas como la de Amazon el libro logró vencer la adversidad y, por el contrario, … Read more

MAJ The Chant: the cast is revealed in a new video

The Song will be the next game of PrimeMatter and Brass Token. A horrifying title that will take us to a remote island to face mysterious creatures summoned by a sect of hippies. The game will obviously feature several characters, including the heroine Jessica Briarand Of course, you need actors and actresses to embody them.. … Read more

Memorial Return of the stones: a tribute to Jews without a grave

Prague has since yesterday a new memorial monument for the Jewish community which, in Bohemia and Moravia, numbered around 90,000 people before 1939. Indeed, the memorial Návrat kamenů (Return of the stones) was inaugurated on September 7 at the Jewish cemetery in Žižkov , in the third district of Prague. The work of artists Lucie … Read more

Euthanasia: Could we soon choose to “die with dignity”?

Will we soon witness one of the greatest societal reforms of Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term? Without revealing the outlines, the President of the Republic announced that he wanted to pass a law on the end of life after a broad citizen consultation. Euthanasia: towards a citizens’ convention and a law in 2023 via @Le … Read more

From Vibo to London to spread the Mediterranean culture, the rise of Maverick Lo Bianco PHOTO

It is a Mediterranean heart that “beats” in the world. Because its origins are a Vibo but his passion knows no bounds. His passion, like his courage to dare. Because Maverick Lo Bianco he is 29 years old, but he made his choice of life when he was still a kid. Cinema, being Italian, optimism, … Read more