Mapuche nation. Public statement from Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu: “We remain aware of defending this space with life if necessary”

Latin American Summary, October 16, 2022 Public Statement From our lof lafken winkul mapu, we manifest. in principle that even and despite the excessive violence of the Argentine state and its repressive apparatus that continue to operate in our territory with weapons of war and high technology; pu weichafe we ​​found ourselves in the winkul … Read more

Mapuche nation. The Mapuche enemy that prevents looting the territory

*By Mauro MillanLatin American Summary, October 16, 2022. It was not enough for them to strip us of history and territory: now they strip us of the story. We have no place, our story is inaudible in the mass media. And if we do, we will have a court made up of journalists, judges, and … Read more

Interview with the Mapuche teacher and actress who was detained in Villa Mascardi | El Cordillerano Newspaper

During the Mapuche march on Wednesday in Bariloche, Andrea Despo Cañuqueo was at the forefront. She is one of the women who were arrested in the Villa Mascardi eviction; she was the only one released, for not belonging to the so-called Lafken Winkul Mapu community. Likewise, he says that they still need to return documentation. … Read more

“Iniciaron una caza de brujas para volver a despojar al pueblo mapuche” | Entrevista a la antropóloga feminista mapuche Melisa Cabrapan Duarte

Tras el sobreseimiento y la liberación de una de las mujeres mapuche detenidas por un comando unificado de fuerzas federales en el operativo de allanamiento y despojo de Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu, en Villa Mascardi, el resto continúa en situación de encierro, unas con prisión domiciliaria y otras en la sede de la Policía de … Read more

Nación Mapuche. Mapuches pidieron al papa Francisco que interceda ante «la cacería inhumana» en Villa Mascardi

Resumen Latinoamericano, 12 de octubre de 2022 Los referentes mapuches recordaron que en su último viaje a Canadá, el papa Francisco pidió perdón a los pueblos originarios por tantos años de violencias. Foto: archivo A través de una carta, le pidieron que “rompa el silencio» y que interceda ante el presidente Alberto Fernández y la … Read more

Mapuche referents wrote a letter to the pope | El Cordillerano Newspaper

From the Coordinator of the Parliament of the Mapuche People of Río Negro and the Council for the Development of Indigenous Communities (Co.De.CI), in particularly complicated moments, after the eviction of the so-called Lafken Winkul Mapu community in Villa Mascardi, and expressions of the lof Wiritray (historical in that place) contrary to the actions of … Read more

Betiana Colhuan, the Mapuche leader who does not recognize the Argentine state but charges three social plans

The operation organized by the Minister of Security of the Nation, Hannibal Fernandez, took note of an intriguing Mapuche leader whom he pointed to as the instigator of the most violent reactions of Lof Laftken Winkul. A more detailed analysis, however, revealed gross contradictions between what the “machi” said and her links with the government. … Read more

The Mapuche Parliament requested a dialogue table

The Coordinator of the Parliament of the Mapuche Tehuelche People of Río Negro, together with social organizations, held a press conference in Bariloche to repudiate the actions of the security forces in the Villa Mascardi eviction operation. In addition, they asked to form a dialogue table with authorities of the National Executive and the Government … Read more

Mapuche nation. Coordinator of the Mapuche Parliament in Rio Negro: to the President of the Argentine State Dr. Alberto Fernández

Latin American Summary, October 7, 2022 Nehuen M. LONCOMAN, INDIGENOUS COUNSELOR for the Andean Zone and in exercise of the PRESIDENCY of the Council for the Development of Indigenous Communities Co.De.CI, Co-Management Organization between the Mapuche Tehuelche Communities and the Government of Río Negro and enforcer of the Law Integral Indigenous No. 2287/88 designation recognized … Read more

Villa Mascardi: Mapuche Parliament of Río Negro requested a dialogue table

The entity’s spokesman criticized that in the last 24 hours there has been a solitary confinement. Photo: Telam The Coordinator of the Parliament of the Mapuche Tehuelche People of Río Negro, together with social organizations, held a press conference in San Carlos de Bariloche in repudiation of the actions of the security forces in the … Read more