Nación Mapuche. El Gobierno tiene que escuchar: La Machi Betiana a su Rewe y libertad a pu lamgen del Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu

Resumen Latinoamericano, 28 de octubre de 2022 «LA JUSTICIA ACTUO CON ABSOLUTO DESPRECIO POR ESAS VIDAS» Entrevista a Laura Taffetani, abogada de las mujeres mapuche detenidas– Por Roxana Sandá Las mujeres de las comunidades saben que volver a los territorios es solo cuestión de tiempo. Imagen: Télam A cuentagotas, con enorme esfuerzo, tratando de perforar … Read more

Betiana Colhuan, the Mapuche leader who does not recognize the Argentine state but charges three social plans

The operation organized by the Minister of Security of the Nation, Hannibal Fernandez, took note of an intriguing Mapuche leader whom he pointed to as the instigator of the most violent reactions of Lof Laftken Winkul. A more detailed analysis, however, revealed gross contradictions between what the “machi” said and her links with the government. … Read more