Colombia a nation of hope that has survived the social impacts | Sort Newspaper

WITHIN THE TYRANNIC ARGUMENTS OF WEAK GOVERNANCES We live with always being right in the face of the truth of others and in the face of being scattered in error. Change must always begin for each one, socializing coexistence, rebellion, resistance and resilient struggle as a journey to transform the nation so that ours in … Read more

Mapuche Nation. Territory Recovery: Lof Kunko Mawizam of Forestal Arauco properties. Chumul Indigenous Community

Latin American Summary, January 17, 2023 LOF KUNKO MAWIZAM RELEASE Masri masri monkü ta eymün pu peñi ka pu l’amuen askintulelu fey ta sungu, kiñe lemorria piwaiñ pu kona, pu weichajo, mie machi ka mie lawentujo ingkakelu tain mapu. 4 months after the start of the territorial recovery process on the Arauco Forestry properties, Purrehuin … Read more

Mapuche Nation. Rawson, January 15. Talk about situations and actions. “I demand that the Machi return to her Rewe. For the right to spirituality and health according to our worldview, and free development in the territory”

Latin American Summary, January 17, 2023 «We reaffirm our feyentun and support our machi. We summon the Mapuche people of the Meli Witral Mapu to unite and strengthen ourselves from our mongen and nor feleal blue. To the conscious society in general and to our pu lamngen, we say that the resistance continues and that … Read more

Mapuche Nation. Wiñotupe Taiñ Machi ñi rewe mew. Return of our Machi to her rewe: Times of struggle and resistance are consolidated!

Latin American Summary, January 15, 2023 After the meeting with state officials and human rights organizations, the Committee of Mapuche and Mapuche Tehuelche Authorities agreed to continue the dialogue towards a reconciliation between National Parks and the Lafken Winkul Mapu Community. This Thursday, January 12, our delegation of Mapuche and Mapuche Tehuelche authorities had a … Read more

Mapuche Nation. “They want the Mapuche submissive and impoverished, they don’t agree that we have an autonomous path”

By Ezequiel Luque. Latin American Summary, January 10, 2023. On January 4, three months have passed since federal forces broke into the territory of the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu in Villa Mascardi (Bariloche) and detained Mapuche women and children. Four of them are still under house arrest, among which is the machi Betiana Colhuan Nahuel, … Read more

Mapuche Nation. Upon completing 10 years of political prison, they demand the freedom of Machi Celestino Córdova / They also ask for the community members detained in Bariloche

Latin American Summary, January 4, 2023 Machi Celestino Córdova, January 3, 2023.- «For national and international public knowledge. For the original peoples of the world, the Mapuche people and all their expressions of resistance. We come to inform you of the following: To the After 10 years of political prison of our ancestral spiritual authority … Read more

Tourist training in Junín de los Andes with the presence of an expert from the Nation

Tourist training in Junín de los Andes with the presence of an expert from the Nation The provincial Ministry of Tourism dictated a Workshop on “Attention to Visitors” in Junín de los Andes as part of the Formar Seal carried out by the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation. The meeting was held at the … Read more

Mapuche Nation. In a Patagonian meeting, the following demanded: “Freedom for Mapuche political prisoners, demilitarization of the territory of Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu” and it was defined that “the solution is political”

Latin American Summary, December 4, 2022 Of Nomads communication LINKED NOTE Furilofche Mapu mew, inal Nawel wapi Lafken, epe apoy kuyen (Bariloche, Río Negro) We communicate to all our Mapuche people and to society in general. On the weekend of November 26 and 27, a fvta trawn was carried out in this territory. This was … Read more

Mapuche nation. An imposed holiday, like so many things that colonialism imposed on us

Latin American Summary, November 03, 2022. There is no such ephemeris in the memory of our ancestors, nor in the oral accounts transmitted from generation to generation, of the supposed oath to a symbol that brought the conquest, through which it still exercises its supremacist dominance.This is a new outrage, and a way to strip … Read more

Mapuche nation. Public statement from Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu: “We remain aware of defending this space with life if necessary”

Latin American Summary, October 16, 2022 Public Statement From our lof lafken winkul mapu, we manifest. in principle that even and despite the excessive violence of the Argentine state and its repressive apparatus that continue to operate in our territory with weapons of war and high technology; pu weichafe we ​​found ourselves in the winkul … Read more