Charlene of Monaco recovering: her parents make a radical decision

“My family is my rock“. These words were spoken by Charlene of Monacoin an interview with Nice morning, last December. If she was then referring to her husband Albert II of Monaco and to their two childrenthe former professional swimmer is also remained very close to her parents, Lynette and Michael Wittstock, as well as … Read more

Smaïn Laacher: “In Iran, radical criticism of the religious order tries to redefine the question of equality between the two sexes in all areas of society”

Lhistory does not repeat itself. The Iran of 2022 is no longer that of 1979. Since the coming to temporal and spiritual power of Ayatollah Khomeini, popular protests have been numerous and women have always been massively present during the protests. The economic and social situation has continued to deteriorate, in town and in the … Read more

Cécile Entremont: “Spirituality is an integral part of a radical ecological conversion”

I grew up in a family of eight children. My parents did not send me to catechism but, at the age of 15, I asked to make my solemn communion, then my confirmation. Luckily, the accompanying priest was a quality chaplain like, moreover, those I met in high school and then at university. The origins … Read more

Posar els ancians al cor de la família, de la comunitat o de la societat és l’inici d’un canvi humà radical | NOTÍCIES | COMUNITÀ DI SANT’EGIDIO

news 1 Octubre 2022 ANCIANOS Libros Per al dia dedicat als ancians, un extracte del pròleg que Andrea Riccardi va escriure per al llibre “Los ancianos y la Biblia” Pròleg d’Andrea Riccardi al llibre “Los ancianos y la Biblia” (ed. San Pablo, 2021)   El número de ancianos ha crecido y también ha aumentado su edad media. … Read more

Poner a los ancianos en el corazón de la familia, de la comunidad o de la sociedad es el inicio de un cambio humano radical | NOTICIAS | COMUNIDAD DE SANT’EGIDIO

news 1 Octubre 2022 ANCIANOS Libros Para el día dedicado a los ancianos, un extracto del prólogo que Andrea Riccardi escribió para el libro “Los ancianos y la Biblia” Prólogo de Andrea Riccardi al libro “Los ancianos y la Biblia” (ed. San Pablo, 2021)   El número de ancianos ha crecido y también ha aumentado … Read more

Why you should read Dans Ton Cul, a work by Valérie Solanas as funny as it is gritty and radical

Violent and corrosively humorous, Dans Ton Cul is a play written in the 1960s by Valérie Solanas. A short and powerful text by a radical author ahead of her time, to discover urgently today. It is often presented for two feats of arms: the publication of SCUM Manifesto in 1967, feminist firebrand and misandreand the … Read more