‘For the Catholic martyrs’, the mass of Pepe Di Paola that united the CGT and UTEP

Before a new anniversary of the last coup d’état against a democratic government, the priest and leader of the Argentine church José “Pepe” Di Paola called this Thursday to cry out “never again, Lord, never again!“. Where the asphalt of Calle 57 ends, one of the entrances to Villa La Cárcova, in the town of … Read more

The Massabki brothers, “martyrs of the faith”, will be canonized

“A Christmas present. It is in these terms that the Maronite Church welcomed during the weekend the announcement made by Pope Francis, Saturday on his birthday, to canonize the three Massabki brothers: Francis, Abdel Moati and Raphael. These “martyrs of the Church” had been assassinated in Damascus on July 10, 1860 at the Franciscan convent … Read more

Emma Dante, the director of women: “Sisters, prostitutes, victims of the mafia: I bring heroines and martyrs to the theater”

Ducks, or rather hens that lay golden eggs and “find themselves on the throne as queens”, and Carmelite nuns who end up on the gallows “so as not to face a world without grates”. Prostitutes who decide to raise Arturo, “the son of violence and orphan because the mother dies in childbirth” and blackcaps, those … Read more

The Roman Market opens the events organized on the occasion of the Holy Martyrs

Inauguration of the Roman Market Until Sunday it offers its visitors, in the Alameda de Oviedo, exhibitions, shows, workshops, a specific area for the little ones and 100 craft, food and restaurant stalls The Roman Market has opened the activities organized by the Santander City Council on the occasion of the festival of the Holy … Read more