7 destinations aux airs de tour du monde, à moins de 2h de Strasbourg

Tu rêves de voir le Grand Canyon mais tu fais attention à ton empreinte carbone ? Tu veux aller au Canada mais tu n’as pas la thune pour te payer un billet d’avion ? On a cherché pour toi des endroits dépaysants, à moins de 2h de Strasbourg, qui vont te donner des impressions de … Read more

“Le Grand Jeûne”: the film of a Strasbourg resident who circled Mont Blanc on an empty stomach

Impossible is not… Strasbourg, it seems. Reading his curious challenge, one wonders why (and how) the Muammer Yilmaz from Strasbourg embarked on this adventure: to go around Mont Blanc, on an empty stomach, for 11 days! To explain his motivations, he made a film of it with his longtime friend, Milan Bihlmann: The Great Fast … Read more

Pier Paolo Pasolini: Memory(s) and resonances (Strasbourg)

Pier Paolo Pasolini Memory(s) and resonances March 21-22 –University of Strasbourg On March 5, 2022, Pasolini would have been one hundred years old. In the Peninsula as in France, tributes, theatrical releases of restored films or other works honor the one that Italian society nevertheless tried to put on the index, like the censorship to … Read more

The crucifixes banned from the Strasbourg Christmas market?

“On the Strasbourg Christmas market, the “JC cross” (sic), reduced to the rank of bottle openers or ashtrays, are authorized “subject to change”? Subject to what? Without a crucifix at the end, Christmas disappears. “, denounces the journalist Gabrielle Cluzel. A misunderstanding shared by many Internet users. On the Christmas market in Strasbourg, the “JC … Read more

Pour les dix ans de la Grande Mosquée de Strasbourg : « Aux jeunes de laisser leur empreinte sur la mosquée »

La Grande Mosquée de Strasbourg célèbre ses dix ans en 2022. Pour marquer le coup, l’institution religieuse, devenue incontournable dans le paysage alsacien, a organisé une semaine de festivités du 23 septembre au 1er octobre au cours de laquelle un bel hommage aux anciens a été rendu comme tremplin pour un avenir rayonnant grâce, espère-t-on, … Read more

In Strasbourg, three days of debate on religious tolerance

Can religion be tolerant? How to conduct a sociological survey “on (in)tolerance” ? What is the role of chaplaincies in prison, but also of travel, cooking, meetings, in opening up to other faiths? For three days, from Thursday 24 to Saturday 26 February, multiple debates, workshops, visits to places of worship, shows are held in … Read more

The diocese of Strasbourg subject to a general inspection ordered by the pope

The practices of Mgr Luc Ravel will be audited. A canonical procedure whose outcome no one can predict. If there is a discreet place in the Church, it is the apostolic nunciatures. These embassies of the Holy See never communicate publicly. A custom that the nunciature of France broke on Thursday. Read alsoBishop Matthieu Rougé: … Read more