Meditate on the Epiphany with a painting visible in the Church of Saint

This monumental composition (4.1m x 3.2m) delivers, in a very ornate style, a reading of the story appearing in a few verses in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew (2, 9-11) After hearing the king, [les mages] left. And behold, the star which they had seen in the east preceded them, until it came … Read more

La mésinformation scientifique des jeunes à l’heure des réseaux sociaux

À l’heure où TikTok s’impose comme le réseau social préféré des jeunes français, que sait-on de l’impact de cette plateforme sur ses utilisateurs, qui sont de plus en plus nombreux à l’utiliser pour se divertir, mais aussi pour s’informer ? François Kraus livre son analyse d’une enquête qui fait le point sur le sujet ; … Read more

a melodramatic biblical western (on DVD and VOD)

Artistic note: (2.5/5) Synopsis In 1850 California during the gold rush, Angel is a child who is sold into prostitution. After years of violence, self-loathing and contempt, she meets Michael Hosea. Love will help heal his wounds. • Original title: Redeeming Love• Media tested: DVD• Genre: drama, romance• Year: 2022• Production: DJ Caruso• Cast: Abigail … Read more

Friendly compatibility: what are the signs that don’t get along?

The zodiac is a big playground. We find all the personalities there, each one having its qualities and its defects. There are the sociable signs, the extroverts, the introverts, the manipulators, the unfaithful and the devoted. A bit like in love, we then quickly detect which astrological signs we cannot trust and those to whom … Read more

Pour un retour de l’Islam du savoir

The Kaaba during Hajj « Celui qui interdit l’étude des livres de philosophie à quelqu’un qui y est apte, parce qu’on juge que certains hommes de rien sont tombés dans l’erreur pour les avoir étudiés, nous disons qu’il ressemble à celui qui interdirait à une personne assoiffée de boire de l’eau fraîche et bonne et la … Read more

Corrected baccalaureate philosophy – technological sector: extract from the “Encyclopédie”, by Denis Diderot

Suggested correction: These are possible avenues for dealing with the subject and not the standard copy expected by the proofreaders! Text provided “If I could assure myself that a witness saw well, and that he wanted to tell me the truth, his testimony for me would become infallible: it is only in proportion to the … Read more

Hieroglyphs, hieratic, demotic: what were the writings of the Egyptians?

200 years ago, Jean-François Champollion managed to solve the enigma of Egyptian hieroglyphics, thereby opening a vast window on the civilization that was at its origin. But if the hieroglyphic writing is the best known, it is not the only one to have been used by the Egyptians of Antiquity who also gave birth to … Read more