In graphics: What religious identity for France?

What is the place of religion in France? Should we worry about the forms it takes with a lot of secularization on the one hand but also minorities tense on very conservative visions in the name of their faith? If ideologues and the media like to argue, quantitative surveys, in particular the European Values ​​Study … Read more

Mapuche nation. Coordinator of the Mapuche Parliament in Río Negro: Times of Wiñoy Tripantu and Identity Reaffirmation

Latin American Summary, June 24, 2022 The completion of a cycle and its renewal with the return of the Sun or Wiñoy Tripantu find us the members of the Mapuche Tehuelche people immersed in the struggle for territorial discussion, its recovery and its defense. This cycle that is ending has a journey through the territory … Read more

The king of the party: take the identity of the other to finally be yourself

for the filmmaker Solomon Ashkenazi, a struggle of opposites is waged within our existence. The ideal personality that we seek to have hides there, where an animal part and a spiritual part come together. With his new movie, The king of the party proposes the story of Héctor, a man plunged into an existential crisis, … Read more