In Rouen, the restaurant Le XXI employs and trains young people with…

SUMMARY “Always in my place” ” Like everyone “ An apartment of her own, a “darling” and a cat. Véronique Spiers was already independent in almost every way, long before being recruited as a waiter at the restaurant The XXI. Except professionally. “Apart from going around in circles at home, I took care of my … Read more

Cancer vaccine discovered, it trains the defenses

Cancer vaccine discovered, it trains the defenses It enters the bloodstream and, like a Trojan horse, carries with it the instructions to make the cancer cells recognizable to the immune system. Through this action, he enhances the response against cancer and also the effectiveness of immunotherapy drugs, counteracting the phenomena of resistance to these treatments. … Read more

To travel without leaving your sofa, board the best cinema trains

It is the arrival of a train entering La Ciota station, filmed by Louis Lumière in 1895, which constitutes one of the very first shots of cinema and will outline the contours of what will become the seventh art. The most expensive scene in silent film history is also that of a train wreck in … Read more