Alien: Isolation e il futuro senza luce | Frequenza Critica | The Games Machine

Alien Isolation, Dead Space, Callisto Protocol e in generale gli horror spaziali sono in grado di creare una fascinazione particolare nel giocatore: la paura di un futuro triste e pericoloso. Ma non necessariamente a causa dei mostri. Esimi lettori, un annuncio: per poter esporre il ragionamento di oggi dovrò fare dei minimi spoiler dei giochi … Read more

Social isolation is gaining momentum: Breaking up with loneliness

In the era of excessive technology and confinement due to a pandemic or other, the solitary being has taken a lot ahead of the more sociable and warm one. Social isolation necessarily reflects discomfort, but we must fight against this state of emotional withdrawal and psychological confinement. Social isolation is not only good for the … Read more

Social isolation is gaining momentum: Breaking up with loneliness

In the era of excessive technology and confinement due to a pandemic or other, the solitary being has taken a long lead over the more sociable and warm one. Social isolation necessarily reflects discomfort, but we must fight against this state of emotional withdrawal and psychological confinement. Social isolation is not only good for the … Read more