Social isolation is gaining momentum: Breaking up with loneliness

In the era of excessive technology and confinement due to a pandemic or other, the solitary being has taken a long lead over the more sociable and warm one. Social isolation necessarily reflects discomfort, but we must fight against this state of emotional withdrawal and psychological confinement.

Social isolation is not only good for the person who seeks to step back and move away from social groups and meditate, even if it means opting for individual activities, such as prayer or spirituality to do yoga, especially for women. Which is the only good side of this retreat on society and the world around us every day. Because the break in social ties has been significant in recent years, especially during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic with the obligation to no longer approach those around them, neither physically nor tactilely. Social isolation, already reflected by high exposure to screens, is reinforced by what results from it as malaise, inability to concentrate, to dialogue less. Inevitably we know everything today with the Internet. Obviously wrong. But then what is social isolation? According to the Google search engine, “it is the situation in which the person finds himself who, because of relations that are permanently insufficient in their number or quality, is in a situation of suffering and danger”.

Avoid social isolation

We deduce that the person, by isolating himself in an extreme way, can adopt strange behaviors, once in society, with an internalized and masked suffering towards others. This leads to a lack of interaction with others. While it is necessary to ban such deplorable attitudes in society and rediscover the taste for being with others with a smile and a spirit of camaraderie at work, for example. A social isolation reinforced by the use of electronic gadgets in an untimely and unlimited way, as we denounced in a recent edition of the electronic magazine, with the time spent on the screens which is quite harmful.

Moreover, one of the places on the planet where social isolation has become a real phenomenon of society, which is really not the case of Tunisia at least in its proportion and its particularities, is Japan, partner country and long-time friend.

“Hikikomori” Tunisians?

In an issue of Release, published in 2019, the editorial staff headlined on the Hikikomori: “Social withdrawal works like an addiction”. We learn that the economic crisis that Japan has suffered since the beginning of the 1990s has brought out a strange being: the hikikomori. They are, for the most part, men who live reclusively at home, generally relying on their parents to survive. But when we know the number of young Tunisians who live off their parents these days, even if some of them send messages to leave the cafes and work hard to work any “job”, the fly, one can wonder about the tunisification of this Japanese phenomenon. Many Tunisians hesitate to embark on the path of marriage, for financial reasons and prolong their stay with their loved ones indefinitely…

The bloodless economic crisis that Tunisia is going through in turn is an open secret and there is no doubt that this social phenomenon has grown in Tunisia, both sexes combined. Even if the male sex is more inclined to adopt this social phenomenon than the female. Women tend to want to emancipate themselves quickly and leave the family home from an early age, just the opposite of men… We must strive to reconnect with positive and constructive social ties and keep smiling in any case. . As Jean d’Ormesson, a French writer who died in 2017, said in one of his famous tirades: “Life is a valley of tears, but also a valley of roses! »

Social isolation is gaining momentum: Breaking up with loneliness