ChatGPT invents a new religion – Swiss Catholic Portal

American writer Hugh Howey told in April 2023 how he inspired ChatGPT to invent a new religion. The online chatbot returned a very complete answer, with the key “ten commandments”. “Harmonism” has at least two followers. The writer Hugh Howey and his wife have recently identified themselves as followers of the new religion. The latter … Read more


By Marinieves Garcia-Manzano The concept of the soul is one of the oldest and most complex of humanity, and has been the subject of debate and speculation for centuries. Soul generally refers to an immaterial, immortal entity that is believed to inhabit the human body and give it life. In some religions, the soul is … Read more

Entrevistamos al robot ChatGPT

Seguro que en las útlimas semanas has oído o leído mucho sobre ChatGPT, una aplicación gratuita de Inteligencia Artificial capaz de responder a cualqueir pregunta que le hagas. Más concretamente se trata de un “modelo de lenguaje” entrenado para contestar y aprender de las preguntas que le formulen los humanos, con un nivel de “consciencia” … Read more