Splinters of light: thoughts on the festive Gospels by Gabriele Dall’Acqua, Friar Minor of Mombirone

At that time, Jesus said to his disciples:

«Many things I still have to tell you, but for the moment you are not able to bear the weight.

When he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all the truth, because he will not speak for himself, but will say everything he has heard and will announce future things to you.

He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and will announce it to you. All that the Father has is mine; that’s why I said he will take what is mine and announce it to you ” (Jn 16: 12-15).

We are a Sunday June 12 and the Church celebrates the solemnity of the Holy Trinity (Year C, liturgical color white). To comment on the Gospel of the Holy Mass is Gabriele Dall’AcquaFriar Minor of Mombirone (Canale).

Love, life, values, spirituality are contained in his reflection for “Splinters of Light, thoughts on the festive Gospels”, a column that wants to be a tender caress for all souls in this valley of exile. Words and thoughts of Franciscan simplicity to ignite the reasons for hope.

Today we do not contemplate a particular event in the history of salvation, we do not remember a precise marvel accomplished by God: today, “simply”, we contemplate God. We stop and immerse ourselves in his light, with a smile of amazement.

God is Trinity: God is a communion of three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father is the One who loves the Son Jesus; the Son is the Beloved; the Love between the two is the Holy Spirit. Each one comes out of himself to give everything he has (and is) to the other. Each, in his own way, gives himself up to be resurrected in the other. Everyone receives the gift of the Other: God is an eternal circulation of gifts, like a party, a music, a banquet, like a relationship of love. The Holy Trinity is an eternal reciprocity in the handing over of oneself by one Divine Person to the other.

Today, as in every sacrament, we immerse ourselves in this mystery of love. The more we allow ourselves to be immersed, the more we discover that it is in us, by grace received, “The love of God which has been poured out into our hearts, through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Rom 5: 5). We are created in the image and likeness of this God who is family, community, who is a mutual gift and a feast of relationships full of love. The more we immerse ourselves in God, the more the relationships we are experiencing participate in and learn those generous measures of gift, fidelity, mercy, forgiveness, creativity, which are the very life of God.

The more we immerse ourselves in this communion, the more we participate in this taste for self-giving, which is neither natural nor spontaneous for us. The more we allow ourselves to be filled with his communion, the less we worry about ourselves and the less we are disturbed by the differences of others, but the more we enjoy the beauty to which we are called.

We know that the communion between us, here on earth, is not complete. It is marked by wounds, by moments in which we hold back the gift, sometimes we do not trust or fear to give ourselves, also because sometimes the gift of us has not been kept as it should.

We can immerse everything in God, we can find everything loved by him. We can always start and start again from here, from immersion in this love, which leads us to translate into the world that structure which is the foundation of everything, that is, the life of Trinitarian communion. that makes everything inhabited by love, that love that we so much desire to meet and to which we hope that everyone will open up.

Splinters of light: thoughts on the festive Gospels by Gabriele Dall’Acqua, Friar Minor of Mombirone