Community leader died run over by a minor in Pitalito • La Nación

Jaime Muñoz was unable to recover from the injuries sustained in a traffic accident that occurred in the El Jardín neighborhood of Valle de Laboyos. The driver of the vehicle involved would have been a minor under 16 years of age, who allegedly tried to evade responsibility for him. The friends and relatives of community … Read more

Minor White, Ansel Adams, Callahan and what we don’t see in the photos

After photography was accepted as an autonomous artistic medium, fundamentally after the avant-gardes of the last century, many authors, also in America, began to push the limits of perception to go beyond what is strictly visible. One of the earliest proponents of that quest, both in image and word, was Minor White, who, after graduating … Read more

Splinters of light: thoughts on the festive Gospels by Gabriele Dall’Acqua, Friar Minor of Mombirone

At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: «Many things I still have to tell you, but for the moment you are not able to bear the weight. When he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all the truth, because he will not speak for himself, but will say everything he … Read more