Mapuche Nation. In a Patagonian meeting, the following demanded: “Freedom for Mapuche political prisoners, demilitarization of the territory of Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu” and it was defined that “the solution is political”

Latin American Summary, December 4, 2022

Of Nomads communication


Furilofche Mapu mew, inal Nawel wapi Lafken, epe apoy kuyen (Bariloche, Río Negro)

We communicate to all our Mapuche people and to society in general.

On the weekend of November 26 and 27, a fvta trawn was carried out in this territory. This was a historic moment because it was an autonomous cross-border parliament between provinces and states. More than 100 people from the Mapuche and Mapuche Tehuelche de pu lofche de los Meli witran Mapu and different traditional authorities attended: pu Machi, pu lonko, pu pillan kushe, pu lawentuchefe, pu werken…

We were brought together by the urgent situation that afflicts us today as the Mapuche people due to the imprisonment of our Machi Betiana Colhuan Nahuel, along with three other zomo (Mapuche women) and pu wentru püñen ka domo püñen (boys and girls) belonging to the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu.

We draw our collective memory through the ngtram (stories) that remind us of the suffering of the pu Machi who inhabited this Mapu puel, who were persecuted, imprisoned and murdered in the same way that our machi currently happens, in a context in which social stigmatization and cruelty have increased, mainly for the lof Lafken Winkul Mapu.

All the antecedents that, from 2017 to the present, were presented as clear and conclusive evidence of our right over the territory (testimonies, expert opinions, recognitions of other communities and other ancestral authorities) were highlighted and the different calls made by the lof to parley with high-ranking officials. And we also indicate in this trawn that the response of the State and its representatives was the deepening of judicial persecution and the criminalization of collective lawsuits.

We point out the urgency of denouncing the State for the systematic violation of human and people’s rights. We stress the immediate need for governments to put an end to the idea that repression is a way to resolve the conflict and to cease the judicial and repressive persecution of the members of the lof. We exposed with great emphasis the impact that our girls and boys have had when suffering an eviction, the destruction of their homes, the imprisonment of their mothers, the persecution of their fathers and the destruction of their lives in the community. We criticize the great indifference of the State towards children and the failure to comply with all the laws that support native peoples.

We express the great violation of our ancient health system and the consequences that this oppression will have for the spirituality of our people. For which the different traditional authorities of Puelmapu and Gulumapu agree to continue working until the objective is reached, generating opportunities for dialogue and the search for political solutions.

The authority of the Machi Betiana Colhuan Nahuel on both sides of the mountain range is reaffirmed and recognized. The recognition that all pulof give to the Lafken Winkul Mapu lof as a Lof of the Mapuche Tehuelche People is highlighted.

Finally, this representative fvta trawn closes with an unwavering, imprescriptible and fundamentally collective commitment to continue demanding the return of the rewe of the machi Betiana and her people to the Mapuche Tehuelche People.

The conviction of returning to the territory is reaffirmed in a kiñe rakizuam (a single thought) to be able to continue firmly with the Mapuche mongen, the Mapuche kuzaw… and continue raising this Puel Mapu supported by our spirituality.

Petu mongeleiñ pu mapuchekeche tvfa Wallmapu mew!!

Amulepe tain Mapuche mongen!

Ingkayaiñ taiñ Machi, taiñ rewe mew!!!


Wiñotupe Taiñ Machi ñi rewe mew

Mapuche Nation. In a Patagonian meeting, the following demanded: “Freedom for Mapuche political prisoners, demilitarization of the territory of Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu” and it was defined that “the solution is political” – Resumen Latinoamericano