The choice of colors says a lot about your character traits

What is color psychology?

Color is a powerful communication tool, and it’s also one of the ways we identify ourselves. The color of our clothes is a signal for others; it tells them who we are. When we get dressed each morning, we tell ourselves who we want to be and how we hope to feel, with color being a key element.


How do you find the colors that suit you? Start with the basics of ‘warm’ and ‘cool’ tones and ‘dull’ and ‘live’ tones. Then start experimenting! The specific meanings accepted by color therapy and psychology may not be true for everyone, but they are a great starting point.

Green and blue hues (often referred to as “cool” colors) can help achieve a sense of calm. Likewise, reds, oranges, and yellows (or “warm” colors) can boost your mood. Each of these colors takes on a different meaning when separated into different shades. Muted or lighter hues can invite a calmer, softer attitude, while bolder hues can bring out more energy in the environment or in your home. Here’s a cheat sheet to get you started:

Red : Anger, love, passion and power.

Red is often a contradictory color, and it tends to bring out strong emotions at both ends of the spectrum. As we have already mentioned, some cultures use red to signify prosperity, while in others the color connotes danger.

Wear red when you want to feel bold. It can help you stand out in a crowd, and it makes a big impression on a first date. Because it’s a fiery hue, red can also be a great uniform when you want to fight for a cause you’re passionate about.

Orange : Enthusiasm, attention, happiness and energy.

Orange is a vibrant color that attracts attention. We associate it with energy and enthusiasm, and it can bring happiness, especially if you love changing leaves and fall.

Wear orange when you want to feel outgoing, like a social butterfly. Like red, orange is not for the faint of heart. For these reasons, many suggest wearing this color when exercising or participating in group physical activities.

Yellow : Brightness, energy, warmth and attention.

We are used to seeing yellow signs and markings to catch our attention and communicate useful information. At the same time, we associate this color with the sun, which brightens our lives, warms our skin and energizes us with the all-important vitamin D.

Wear yellow when you want to rejoice. It’s hard to feel sad when surrounded by this bright shade, which is why we so often associate this color with spring and summer. It’s the perfect color when you need a little pick-me-up!

Green : Luck, envy, nature and security.

Green can bring an atmosphere of calm and security. The color has also long symbolized fertility and luck. Wear green when you hope to feel grounded or renewed. It is a very accessible color, ideal for meeting new people. It is also an ideal color to start a project or start a new chapter in your life.

Blue : Sadness, stability, productivity and calm.

Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean, two parts of our world that are constant. For this reason, wearing blue communicates loyalty and stability. It can help us and those around us feel calm.

Wear blue to gain confidence. This color may have the ability to soothe anxieties, making it a great hue for presentations at work or school. Blue can also be a comforting color in stressful situations.

Purple : Royalty, ambition and creativity.

In the field of color psychology, however, it has an even deeper meaning. Purple is considered a spiritual transition – a bridge between materialism and spirituality. When we see purple in nature, such as during a breathtaking sunset that blends shades of pink and blue, it can remind us that inner peace resides within all of us.

In the art world, purple can mean inspiration and mystery. It symbolizes courage and risk-taking, while bringing encouragement and comfort to those in need. Ultimately, whatever your perception of the color purple, its symbolic power plays an important role in our lives, as we seek a balance between rational thinking and our more intuitive sides.

Black : Mystery, audacity, power and elegance.

Because black absorbs all light in the color spectrum, it is not considered a color, but rather the absence of color. This absorption of all colors can be seen as a move of power and invoke boldness, or it can be seen as a lack of color and trigger sadness, as in the case of mourning.

Wear black when you want to feel subtly strong. Black doesn’t scream affirmation like red, but it can easily intimidate others. This color can be useful in work environments where you want to be taken seriously or seen as an authority figure.

White : Tranquility, cleanliness, innocence and emptiness.

Another hue that holds seemingly contradictory meanings, white can be associated with innocence or purity in many Western cultures, while it often symbolizes death in some Eastern traditions.

Wear white to feel good about yourself. White conveys a sense of newness, so it’s a great color to wear on the first day of a new project or if you just want to feel like you’re starting afresh.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

The choice of colors says a lot about your character traits