D23 : Marvel, Star Wars, Indiana Jones 5… les annonces qu’il ne fallait pas rater

Les fans Disney du monde entier se sont tous retrouvés en Californie ce week-end, où se tenait la convention Disney de la D23 2022. La première depuis 2019, la pandémie et le lancement de la plateforme de streaming Disney+, et celle qui marque également les 100 ans de la société. Un événement forcément exceptionnel qui … Read more

19th century civil wars: prior to the 1000 day wars

The 1000 Day War would have a prelude that began many years before, when the several bloody civil wars, where clashes between enemies would predominate and characterized by the existence of two political beliefs that fought each other, supposing both to be right. Great triggers of these conflicts that were experienced, were developed by a … Read more

Squad becomes Ultimate Star Wars: Battlefront Game thanks to mods | Pretty Reel

A massive mod turns the Squad army shooter into an unofficial sequel to Star Wars Battlefront with a much wider scope than DICE’s offerings. A huge Squad mod turns the game into a third unofficial Star Wars Battlefront title with massive maps, online chat features, and plenty of characters and vehicles from the vast Galaxy … Read more