Herman Melville’s bitter visit to Jerusalem

It was 1856 and the American writer Herman Melville was going through one of his periods of depression: his books were not selling as well as he expected and he complained of headaches. The solution? Advised by his wife (some point to his father-in-law), Moby-Dick’s “father” went on a trip to Europe and the Middle … Read more

Workshop Herman Cornejo: “The Bicentennial Theater opened its doors for me”

The Anima Animal workshop was carried out with great success, headed by the creator and protagonist, Herman Cornejo. The Teatro del Bicentenario, a complex dependent on the provincial Ministry of Tourism and Culture, invited the meeting that took place in the Casa de San Juan in Buenos Aireswhich was well attended by young audiences, dance … Read more

Herman Cornejo nació en San Luis, superó un coma en la infancia y hoy es la estrella del ballet de Nueva York

Tenía 8 años cuando vio bailar a Maximiliano Guerra en Espartaco, la coreografía del ruso Yuri Grigorovitch creada para resaltar la gran potencia y bravura del bailarín que la representara. Herman quedó impactado, no había imaginado las posibilidades de la danza masculina, la fuerza y el talento que podía desplegarse. En uno de los tantos … Read more