¿Quién es San Antón? ¿Por qué es el patrón de los animales y aparece representado junto a un cerdo?

San Antonio Abad es uno de los grandes santos de la Iglesia por su enorme influencia entre los Padres de la Iglesia y por ser considerado como el padre de monasticismo, debido a que él mismo se retiró al desierto para llevar una vida ascética y de oración. Pese a ello numerosos discípulos siguieron sus … Read more

San Juan: leyendas, misticismo, espiritualidad y una gastronomía que embruja

San Juan es una provincia rica en creencias, leyendas, religiosidad, mitos y tradiciones. Desde épocas ancestrales arrastra un misticismo que le aporta una singular identidad en el territorio dominicano. Coinciden en San Juan los altares de religiosidad popular, el mesianismo y un vudú que muchos quizás confunden con el haitiano, pero que es dominicano y … Read more

Un gran Miyazaki inaugura San Sebastián con una animación de una belleza arrebatadora

Las películas que abren los festivales internacionales de cine suelen privilegiar la presencia de actores de relumbrón o de autores consagrados antes que los valores cinematográficos. Apostar por el tirón mediático para presentar públicamente una nueva edición tiene sus réditos en forma de espacio en diarios y televisiones, pero rara vez suele contentar a unos … Read more

El paisaje, la luz y un ‘campeón’ de Almería bañarán de cine San Sebastián

La luz de Almería bañará la 71ª edición del Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián gracias a dos películas rodadas en paisajes de la provincia: ‘Amanece’, ópera prima del almeriense Juan Francisco Viruega, y ‘Cerrar los ojos’, de Víctor Erice, uno de los Premio Donostia de este año. A ellas se suma ‘La vida de … Read more

‘Muralism and resistance’, an approach to the Mayan reality in San Ildefonso

MEXICO CITY.- The Colegio de San Ildefonso continues its exploration of the muralist movement with the habilitation of room 21 Muralismo y Resistencia, which was part of the exhibition The spirit of 22: a century of muralism in San Ildefonso, and in which young artists capture themes and contemporary mural aesthetics A look at the … Read more

Firefighters from Quinta de Tilcoco, Peumo and San Vicente worked to control a large structural fire

With more than 130 million copies worldwide, “The Legend of Zelda” video game saga has left an indelible mark, becoming one of the most successful and recognized franchises of all time. Since its birth 37 years ago by Nintendo, this franchise has captivated millions of players around the world. Now, with their latest installment “The … Read more

Four hot springs to discover around San Francisco

It’s often overlooked, but many hot springs flow through the San Francisco area. Selection of four renowned establishments where you can take advantage of their benefits. Guaranteed relaxation… and a great gift idea for Mother’s Day on Sunday May 14! Vichy Springs Resort in Ukiah Two hours north of SF is one of California’s oldest … Read more

The new School of Arts and Crafts of the San Pedro Factory begins

(Vatican Media).- Young stoneworkers and marble workers, plasterers and decorators, and carpenters return to training in the workshops of the San Pedro Factory. In fact, on the afternoon of Monday, January 16, The Factory School of Arts and Crafts will be inaugurated, promoted in collaboration with the Fratelli tutti Foundation. The twenty young students, selected … Read more

San Benedetto: ”The Disasters of War”, the deadline for the exhibition has been extended

The municipal administration of San Benedetto del Tronto and the University Museum of Chieti-Pescara, given the great response from the public to the exhibition of “The Disasters of War” by Goya, set up in the Palazzina Azzurra of San Benedetto del Tronto, have decided to extend the deadline of the exhibition (initially scheduled for January … Read more

Train in Tres Cantos, for free, at the San Camilo Health Humanization Center

Train, recycle, open your mind… They are authentic gifts that you can give yourself to enrich your mind, your spirit, your personal and professional baggage… At the San Camilo Center for the Humanization of Health, directed by José Carlos Bermejo, we are “engaged” in taking care of you, and we offer you an extensive program … Read more