Frasi di Natale d’autore, per una dedica speciale alle persone che ami

La magia del Natale è vicina: le serate trascorse davanti al camino, assieme alla famiglia e alle persone più care, mentre fuori nevica e le luci colorate brillano nella notte. L’atmosfera è meravigliosa e carica di spiritualità, mentre i nostri cuori si riempiono di gioia. E i più piccini attendono frementi l’arrivo di Babbo Natale, … Read more

Back to Valderice “Terrazza d’Autore”

The literary review “Terrazza d’Autore. Voices, stories, suggestions at sunset ”, curated by Ornella Fulco and Stefania La Via, which this year reaches its seventeenth consecutive edition. The leitmotif of the appointments will be the Nostos, nostalgia and return, as an extreme form of knowledge and gratitude. A theme that has covered the entire history … Read more

The literary review “Terrazza d’Autore | Trapani news and updated news

The literary review “Terrazza d’Autore. Voices, stories, suggestions at sunset ”, curated by Ornella Fulco and Stefania La Via, which this year reaches its seventeenth consecutive edition. The leitmotif of the appointments will be nostos, nostalgia and return, as an extreme form of knowledge and gratitude. A theme that has covered the entire history of … Read more

Terrazza d’Autore: the literary review is back in Valderice | Sicily Today News

It will kick off the next July 13 the literary review “Terrazza d’Autore. Voices, stories, suggestions at sunset ”, curated by Ornella Fulco and Stefania La Via, which this year reaches its seventeenth consecutive edition. The leitmotif of the appointments will be the Nostos, nostalgia and return, as an extreme form of knowledge and gratitude. … Read more

In Valderice the 17th edition of “Terrazza d’Autore”

The literary review “Terrazza d’Autore. Voices, stories, suggestions at sunset “, curated by Ornella Fulco and Stefania La Via, which reaches its 17th consecutive edition this year. The leitmotif of the appointments will be the Nostos, nostalgia and return, as an extreme form of knowledge and gratitude. A theme that has covered the entire history … Read more