Why it is better to avoid “Shantaram”, the new series of Charlie Hunnam, the actor of “Sons of Anarchy”

An Australian escapes from prison and takes refuge in India, where he continues his run. A strange odyssey that does not go to the end of its ideas. Compared to any other period in contemporary history, the position of spectator is at the center of all cultural experience. Almost by force, they must constantly choose, … Read more

Anarchy, Spirituality and Holistic Thinking

by William Mussini The last bastions of resistance to postmodernism from De André to Dugin. What does it mean to be libertarian today? What has changed in anarchist and libertarian thought in today’s era of demo-nazi-crazia neoliberal? Probably little or nothing. It would seem, in fact, that libertarianism represents today, together with spirituality and holistic … Read more