Holistic beauty: between spirituality, neuroscience and quantum dimension

The mystical beauty or spiritual beauty is therefore booming because it meets this demand and adds a level to the holistic dimension that we knew. Holistic beauty, whose name comes from the Greek holos (“everything” and “whole”), apprehends it in its totality, taking into account our four dimensions which are the physical, the mental, the … Read more

Anarchy, Spirituality and Holistic Thinking

by William Mussini The last bastions of resistance to postmodernism from De André to Dugin. What does it mean to be libertarian today? What has changed in anarchist and libertarian thought in today’s era of demo-nazi-crazia neoliberal? Probably little or nothing. It would seem, in fact, that libertarianism represents today, together with spirituality and holistic … Read more

Towards a holistic spirituality: Cycle of workshops by Emma Martínez Ocaña

We live in a time of profound and rapid changes, a paradigm shift that requires a new way of situating ourselves in reality, knowing how to dialogue between our spirituality and our faith. This cycle of workshops wants to be a help in that path of dialogue and a new perception of reality, overcoming dualisms, … Read more

The Holistic Unified Theory and the Reflexive Unified Universal Core Theory

The holistic unified theory and the reflexive unified universal core theory, that is, and, that is, the Einsteinian unified field theory of Albert Einstein and the Teilhardian reflexive unified universal core of Teilhar de Chardin. And, Friedrich Salomon Perls told us, that: “If you have the field, if you have the holistic, if you have … Read more

Holistic beauty: between spirituality, neuroscience and quantum dimension

The mystical beauty or spiritual beauty is therefore booming because it meets this demand and adds a level to the holistic dimension that we knew. Holistic beauty, whose name comes from the Greek holos (“everything” and “whole”), apprehends it in its totality, taking into account our four dimensions which are the physical, the mental, the … Read more