Today is the day of forgiveness

The power of prayer is irrefutable, especially if done with certainty. When a person cries out to the deity of his preference, or “to the God of his understanding”, he places in his subconscious that request, affirmation or thought convinced that what is requested is manifested. Faith, by definition, is “the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen”.

In science, there are conflicting studies on the effects of prayer on health. Nevertheless, all religious and spiritual of different beliefs have important experiences, Through the ages this practice provides spiritual peace and leaves prodigious results in people’s lives. In this era it is expected that science and spirituality, as parallel lines, will walk hand in hand, complementing each other.

This autumnal cycle in which nature seeks balance has happened with the equinox, the Jewish New Year, with its corresponding celebrations. The Jewish community celebrates Yom Kippur, the day of forgiveness, will begin on the night of Tuesday, October 4, 2022 and will end on the evening of Wednesday, October 5, 2022, visiting the synagogues and asking God for the absolution of the mistakes made in the past year, possibly there is the knowledge that forgiveness is the basis of prosperity. Forgiveness is healing, physical ailments, and finances according to ancient metaphysical studies.

Regarding forgiveness as a source of spiritual peace, forgiveness is liberation from those annoying burdens that we often carry on our backs, producing bitterness in our lives that corrode the soul and turn into illnesses.

There is a traditional Hawaiian technique, Ho’oponopono, which helps reconciliation and forgiveness. This healing system has spread worldwide by thousands of practitioners, released by Dr. Lenn, a psychiatrist who claims to have healed an entire ward of patients with this technique that he learned from Morrnah Simeona, claim that just by pronouncing the four phrases: “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you” happens a transformative and healing movement. We have tested the technique with efficient results. One of the most popular prayers is: “Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son in One… If I, my family, relatives and ancestors offended you, your family, relatives or ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions, from the beginning of Creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness… Let this cleanse, purify, liberate. Cut all negative memories, blockages, energies and vibrations and transmute those unwanted energies into Pure Light… Thank you because it is done…”

Another prayer implores: “Divinity, cleanse in me everything that contributes to my physical, mental or spiritual discomfort. I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you. Divinity, cleanse in me everything that contributes to my limiting beliefs. I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you”.

It’s therapeutic, prophylaxis against grudges, letting go and releasing in prayer daily. Do not doubt, do not believe, investigate, if this practice resonates with you, the praxis will yield your own conclusions.

Today is the day of forgiveness