The Holistic Unified Theory and the Reflexive Unified Universal Core Theory

The holistic unified theory and the reflexive unified universal core theory, that is, and, that is, the Einsteinian unified field theory of Albert Einstein and the Teilhardian reflexive unified universal core of Teilhar de Chardin. And, Friedrich Salomon Perls told us, that: “If you have the field, if you have the holistic, if you have the context, it follows that you have to determine the opposites. If you have the opposites, it follows and is after that you have to have the deep specific field.” And, Miguel Acosta Saignes told us that: “Every theory needs its context, it needs its holistic. Every idea, every synthesis, needs a person to defend it. And, every reality, every fact, every event, every nature universe world space-time , it needs an explanation, it needs a definition and why, in order to arrive at the superior ideal synthesis resolutive desired optimality.” And he completed, José Barbeito, who told us: “It is not possible to accept the results of a proposition without considering it valid, without taking it for granted, without automatically assuming its foundations.” As also, José Barbeito told us that: “A new social order alone and can only be created from and on the basis of a core of commonly accepted values” As the synthesis between the thesis and the antithesis of Hegel and Marx. Asina things between thinkers paradoxical thoughts. At the same time that Blas Pascal formulated that: “Substitute the entities defined by their definitions in the invitation to the civic military headquarters of the ferocious Cesarvallejoian coup, and, because and to achieve the heartfelt superior synthesis” And, because of conventionalisms, and the finque, only and only, in the rules that not in the principles, the rules are rigid and the principles are flexible, the rules are static and the principles are dynamic, because of conventionalisms, sometimes, they are backwards and backwards, like this, the principle of the Aristotelian excluded third, which cornered and ruined its counterweight and opposite third, even Maleoian 2001, for more and more than three thousand years, and, of course, this meant that Albert Einstein did not achieve the well-known unified field theory and unified holistic theory, and, because Albert Einstein did not have in his mind and in his mental pocket to the theory of caliginous limit contradictory correlative cases Maleo 2001 of dynamic equilibrium or dialectic diffuse dialogic diplomatic diabetic in the contradictory deep Maleoian medium of Maleo 2001 in the platitude first time of Perogrullo. Albert Einstein lacked the thesis of the ambiguous limbic antagonistic harmonic aspects Maleo 2001, to achieve his unified field theory, and that, because of Aristotle, who even denied the third, and even the blowing up of the Twin Towers New Yorkers that the third would emerge or be reborn even with George W Bush’s exclusive excluding Aristotelian speech, on the ruins of the World Trade Center, in which George W Bush said this from Aristotle: “Either you are with me or you are with my enemy.” Speech of justifications, a parliament of invasions, of war, of rhetoric, of sieges, blockades, fences, of criminal coercive measures, of social economic political sanctions on the peoples whose governments do not align or alienate the mandates of the neoliberal capitalist empire of the United States of America. North America. And, as it has been said that the unified field theory and the unified holistic theory of Albert Einstein, Einstein lacked curiosity and discernment about the thinker Friedrich Salomon Perls, who told him, if you have the field, then you have the holistic, then you have the context, then you have to determine the opposites, and, later, Miguel Acosta Saignes and José Barbeito adjusted with the context, with the fundamentals and commonly accepted values. More and more, Aristotle subsumed and had Albert Einstein as his own, and the latter limited himself to the principle of the Aristotelian excluded third of Aristotle. Teilhar de Chardin, on the other hand, did know that in Teilhar’s universal reflexive unified Teilhardian center, there had to be the union of understanding and spirituality, the union of science and faith, the union of matter and energy, that the Catholic Church, will deny the Jesuit priest. And, let’s see, Einstein’s and Teilhard’s are contents that contain the continent of the philosophy of the 4E of Maleo 2001, the philosophy of understanding and spiritual ethical aesthetics, as well as if it were the theory of cases caliginous contradictory limit correlatives of the unification of all the ambiguous antagonistic theories, of the unification of all the paradoxes, of the union of all the parables, of the unification of all the absurdities, of the unification of all the chiasms of the natural universe space-time world, of all the facts in entire execution, of all the events in full development, of all the realities in all the Heraclitoian contradictory harmonic simultaneities of the being and not being of Heraclitus, in all the eclectic middle paths of the Buddha’s syncretic syncretic being and not being, in the first truism instead of a platitude where all extremes meet at the crucial decisive point, at the fuzzy topological inflection point, which has of being don Francisco’s radiant watchful eye, the cri cri of don Federico’s daisies, and that many people love and many people do not love, and, more and more, of the times, they must be daisies before pigs, pearls before people bristles, that this priest ignorant rare cleuasmus ass, must feel it with abysmal sensory feelings animals. And, as has been said, Don Federico and Don Francisco must be between understanding and spirituality, between science and faith, between Albert Einstein’s Einsteinian unified field theory and Teilhar de Chardin’s universal reflexive Teilhardian center, between Albert Einstein’s holistic unified theory and Teilhar de Chardin’s reflexive central unified universal theory. Now today, in Bernoulli’s curved lemniscate line and in Picasso’s curved parabolic cubic line, there must be the decisive crucial point, the blurred topological inflection point, Don Federico’s cri cri and Don Francisco’s radiant watchful eye, as well as between Albert Einstein’s Einsteinian unified field theory and Teilhar de Chardin’s reflexive Teilhardian unified universal center, between Albert Einstein’s Einsteinian unified holistic theory and Teilhar de Chardin’s reflexive unified universal center theory.

If Albert Einstein’s Einsteinian unified field theory and Teilhar de Chardin’s reflexive Teilhardian unified universal center, and, Albert Einstein’s unified holistic theory and Teilhar de Chardin’s reflexive unified universal center theory, are to be the field , they have to be holistic, they have to be context and they have to be the opposite synthetic values ​​of Friedrich Salomon Perls, of Hegel and Marx, of Miguel Acosta Saignes, as well as José Barbeito. Then let it be said that the unified holistic theory and the reflexive unified universal central theory, the Einsteinian unified field theory of Albert Einstein and the Teilhardian reflexive unified universal center of Teilhar de Chardin, must be caliginous contradictory limit correlative cases of fuzzy dialectical dynamic equilibrium Diabetic diplomatic dialogic in the contradictory deep Maleoian medium of Maleo 2001 in the platitude first time of Perogrullo. Ergo, let it be said that the unified holistic theory and the reflexive unified universal central theory, the Einsteinian unified field theory of Albert Einstein and the Teilhardian reflexive unified universal center of Teilhar de Chardin must be contained within the continent of the philosophy of the 4E of Maleo 2001, of understanding and spiritual ethical aesthetics. Ergo, let it be said that Bernoulli’s curved lemniscate line and Picasso’s curved parabolic cubic line, as well as the gratifying graphic figure illustrative of contradictions and blurriness, Laozi’s yin yang, and the gratifying graphic figure illustrative of the concave convex contradictory caliginous concupiscent 69 cojedeño of Maleo 2001, they must be, in similarity tautological repetitive paradigmatic platonic, to the unified holistic theory and to the reflexive unified universal central theory, to the Einsteinian unified field theory of Albert Einstein and to the reflexive unified universal center Teilhardian from Teilhar de Chardin.

The Holistic Unified Theory and the Reflexive Unified Universal Core Theory