“Los Pandavas”, un montaje en busca de la espiritualidad en El Círculo Teatral | El Universal

Para que no fuera confundida con la versión que el director británico Peter Brook hizo del “Mahabhárata”, épica sagrada de la India, la directora Laura Jerkov y el dramaturgo Carlos Cristóbal Morales bautizaron su montaje como “Los Pandavas: La guerra de todos los tiempos”. Aunque la adaptación abarca ciertos momentos de toda la epopeya, lo … Read more

Sam Waterston and the return of “Law and Order”: “It was like putting on very familiar clothes” | The series will premiere in Argentina through Universal TV

“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate but equally important teams. The police, who investigate crimes, and the district attorneys, who prosecute criminals. These are their stories.” Just by reading these words, the average viewer not only knows what program it is about, but also mentally hears them (in English) … Read more

The Holistic Unified Theory and the Reflexive Unified Universal Core Theory

The holistic unified theory and the reflexive unified universal core theory, that is, and, that is, the Einsteinian unified field theory of Albert Einstein and the Teilhardian reflexive unified universal core of Teilhar de Chardin. And, Friedrich Salomon Perls told us, that: “If you have the field, if you have the holistic, if you have … Read more