Alberto Linero: “We would be less violent if we are more spiritual.”

The new book by Alberto Linero, ‘Spirituality for humans’, answers a basic question: how do we come to the understanding that developing the spiritual dimension is just what we need to go through this world that, for some, weighs too much and, for others, lacks? of sense. “What I want is to demystify a bit … Read more

Jesuit universities heed the call to confront violent contexts | e

The marathon day of university reflection held by the IBERO Puebla ended. The anniversary of the disappearance of the 43 normalistas from Ayotzinapa has been marked on the institutional calendar as a date of denunciation and collective action. In recent times, it has also been an incentive to engage the Student Community in a series … Read more

Jesuit universities call to confront violent contexts | Puebla Municipalities | News from the state of Puebla

The institutions entrusted to the Jesus company endorse the task of becoming forums for proposals and action platforms with a view to building safer and fairer environments. Hugs are no longer enough to cover the bullets, says Jesuit priestHe fled violence in Mexico and ended up committing suicide in Canadafinished the marathon college think tank … Read more