Development plans –

By: John Elvis Vera Suarez John Elvis Vera Suarez To begin with, these should be called Life Plans, as they are called by the indigenous communities organized in their respective reservations, which they elaborate collectively to organize and project their territories autonomously, based on their own spirituality and ancestral knowledge. All plans that affect populations … Read more

The original peoples count themselves in Indigenous Territories and Voices –

The next Sunday August 21 at 8:30pm Canal Trece premieres “Indigenous Territories and Voices”, a five-part documentary series produced by thea National Commission for Communication of Indigenous Peoples (CONCIP). The chapters were produced by indigenous filmmakers belonging to CONCIP. Indigenous Territories and Voices it crosses the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Putumayo, Yaigojé Apaporis in … Read more

The Murui Muina pay tribute to their people by communing with ‘Mother Nature’ –

RadioNacional – Singing in their mother tongue, the original communities of the municipality of Leguízamo will celebrate the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. Juan Miguel Narvaez Eraso Harvesting wild yucca, weaving chanchama fiber and speaking in their native language, the Murui Muina people of the municipality of Leguízamo, in lower Putumayo, celebrate the International Day … Read more