The sweet shapes manipulator

The manipulator of sweet forms likes to say without really saying, to stick out his paw but not too much, so that no one can catch him in a resignation or accuse him of having affirmed what he really did not affirm but did want to affirm without having affirmed it. The manipulator of the sweet forms likes daub his words in a syrupy, affected and even mannered shawl, adopting a shrunken, shrunken body posture and of being a little thing, although, really, he considers himself to be much more than what he appears to be.

It is the manipulator of the sweet forms a narcissistic textbook, rocked at the mercy of his disorganized feelings, which he often confuses with being the possessor of a creative, vibrant and great personality. Their feelings they are the truth, and those who do not understand them are crude and primitive. The manipulator of sweet forms sings, creates, writes poems, preaches and sometimes even paints, because a transcript of a Renaissance man is known.

chus villarroel used to count the anecdote of a friar who considered himself a great musician. Since he wanted to grow in holiness, he asked another friar to impose discipline on him, by whipping him on the back. The priest agreed and began to poke the body of the poor penitent musician, who was biting his lips in pain. Despite this, he asked him: “Insult me, brother, so that I may be more humble!” “Idiot, stupid, lazy!” the poker began to recite. The friar barely endured the corporal and spiritual punishment, trying to show off his virtuosity. But the priest continued with his string of insults: “Bad musician, you have published a book and no one has bought it for you!” Like a spring, the penitent stood up and faced the other religious: “No, I won’t allow that!” He yelled at him. “See? -concluded Chus Villarroel- That was where the musician friar had encapsulated his pride”. under a soft and mellifluous demeanor one was hiding immense pride.

Because the manipulator of the sweet ways is clothed in modesty and false humility every time he receives a compliment, but at the same time he retweets it on the networks so that what others think of him is recorded. And it is that the manipulator of the sweet forms has its publican audience that is the son of its time, generally infantilized, soft, adaptable, that likes soft words and flees from high-sounding ones, that sees no problem in lighting a candle for God and another for the devil, who is capable of sacrifice the truth for the sake of a false charity, which confuses feelings with spirituality, and vague, general, sounding and abstract concepts, with mysticism.

Because, precisely, something that the manipulator of the sweet forms does not support is conflict, confrontation, apologetics. He is terrified of the idea of ​​not being accepted by those who are far from the Church, of being called “dogmatic”, “intolerant” or “old-fashioned”. That is why he sweetens the truth and delays his preaching and his proposal, sometimes so much, that the end of his life has come and he has not left his ambiguity. You know: say without wanting to say. He wants to present himself as a bridge, as a mediator, as a being who understands everyone and justifies everyone. The others, those who have come before him, have not known how to be. He does not belong to the rigorist Church, far from the people. He has a special welcoming charisma because he never has a bad word for anyone (except for those who dare to question him). He tolerates everything, except those who don’t tolerate everything. What he may not realize is that he is not being merciful in this way, but simply shying away from the conflict.

He claims to serve God but, deep down, he is idol of himself whom he adores

The sweet shapes manipulator