The physics of the invisible

«Can the human being be understood as an entity in continuum with the reality he perceives, where the physical body, emotions, thoughts and the environment are equally influenced by the Consciousness that experiences them?»: if so asks Alessandra Martignoni, co-author of the book “Psychosophy. A bridge between psychology and spirituality” which proposes a new paradigm in self-knowledge and in overcoming the hardships that we find ourselves experiencing today.

In the intervention of which she is the author, and which composes the shortlist of interventions that animate the volume with great depth and competence, Dr. Martignoni intends to investigate the answers offered in the field of research in quantum physics.

«It would seem that every thought and every emotion has a biological correlation capable of modifying the sensitivity of the cell to the signals it can receive. In the placebo effect, for example, we observe a biochemical, hormonal and immune response of the body to the meaning attributed by the subject to the therapeutic act (Moerman, 2002)» explains Martignoni.

«The hypothesis, therefore, is that thought and its emotional correlate, such as Energy of Information, on body water in a state of coherence, realize a phenomenon of holography (of memorization of information in a coherent medium) and acting at the DNA level they interact on the on/off mechanism of the regulatory genes of a certain function – continues the co-author of the volume – A fundamental point is that we would not see things “as they are”, but “as we are”, in fact according to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, the mind participates in determining the properties of what is observed and reality would be essentially subjective . We find a parallel in Eastern traditions with the concept of “emptiness”».

Dr. Martignoni underlines again: «According to the Vijnanavada school, with the authoritative words of Vasubandhu (4th century)”Emptiness is the end of the difference between subject and object, its seat is consciousness which alone exists. This does not mean disproving the existence of cognitive objects, but simply denying that such objects have external feedback, given that what we consider to be external objects are, in reality, nothing more than our mental projections. Everything we think, know, or experience comes to us through our sensory system, so it only happens in our consciousness”. Reality would thus be the encounter between the quantum field which can potentially take on infinite forms and the observer, who determines its manifest form with his Consciousness. With the words of the physicist Bernard d’Espagnat “The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human awareness appears to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with the facts demonstrated by experiment” (1979)».

«Mind over Matter experiments (e.g. the PEAR project and the Global Consciousness Project) have found evidence of the impact of human consciousness on matter – explains Dr. Martignoni – The humanistic position of Psychosophy contemplates the human soul and those aspects which by their nature are not measurable, but no less real for this. The intervention of psychosophy is a path capable of acting both as an epigenetic signal, capable of informing the body environment through modifications in the gene expression of DNA (body understood as a physical, emotional and mental system), and as a modifier of the energy field in which the individual is inserted, recognizing the role of the soul as a bridge with the Whole».

Essential bibliography:

D’Espagnat B. (1979). The Quantum Theory and Reality. Scientific American, Nov. 1979, 158.

Moerman, DE (2002). Meaning, Medicine and the “Placebo Effect”. Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology. Cambridge University Press. November 18


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