From humility, let’s educate city and community: In respect to Antofagastinidad!

In the tragicomic Antofagastina Citizen Coexistence, in the midst of antagonisms, disrespect and violence from each other, in different spheres and for different sectors, motivations and circumstances, it is imperative “Re-Imagine our City Future, Educating with Respect for our Community”; that is, with a Sense of Purpose, from the Citizen Participation of All and All and thus, we will be able, not only dream of a Better City; rather, to transform that Dream into a Fruitful Reality, creating a Meeting Bridge in RESPECT that inhabits, lives, feels and is designed towards Collective Well-being.

Citizens, we need to move towards a Social Coexistence that unites us; in such a way that, in the furious river of our time, the Coexistence of our People, does not dye colors in flags and borders that become small and exclusive, opening discriminatory trenches that close doors and windows to some, denying the rainbow of existence and bestowing Life only from darkness. Thus, we must raise the flight of Education on the libertarian wings, to reach consensus that embrace the gaze, without Disqualification or Envy, which are the infinite roots of many evils that eat away at human consciences and virtues, and travel from the Song of the Free Man-Woman who, in fullness of galloping verses along the desert routes, give away their own Freedom for the Freedom of the others; throbbing like a grain of wheat that has to be transformed into the Bread of the Soul and the Respect for our People.

For this reason, we must not shy away from the rugged route, nor conjugate the spaces for dishonor, submission, nor silence and; each Voice must always be heard, dressed and inhabited in a cheerful and hopeful smile, to continue weaving, in bare greenery, with sticks of sea, hill and northern rock, from the Brotherhood, Respect and Diversity to fly over and raise the small furrows of our beloved City.

Dear Readers, to advance in this direction, greatness of strengthened Love is required, to transform each stone and bump in the road, into a link of understanding, tolerance, respect, meeting and growth; because like this, one day, all the hands and all the voices will illuminate the furrows in fullness of hopes towards the dreamed better world of Culta Dignidad.

Antofagastinos, to face small and ephemeral powers existing in the Organizations, in which, so many times, their protagonists, instead of being public servants for the benefit of society; Unfortunately, shamelessly, they dance to different rhythms and raise flags, unseemly, different and accommodating in a shameful journey through the colors of their own SELF; there, it is everyone’s task, to rebuild the true Language to interpret our city; remembering that, just as Life is extinguished, management in the negative values ​​of darkness and exclusion will never be eternal.

We must also remember that there are people whose actions are complex to describe; but, that they are, and that appear in every last hour of the sunset, embodying true hells; more, as we are survivors of so many pandemics; we know that nothing lasts a thousand years; and then, together with the sound of silence, like the magical creative expression of the cactus that, even in solitude, desert, camanchaca and distance, blooms in sources of splendor; likewise, in our City of Salar Grande, we will be able to live moments and times, truly magical, full of Humanity that, like the first hour after sunrise, will appear like a wonderful spill of golden light that, lit up in blue, warm and perfumed, will fertilize and build an earthly oasis, true Paradise Floor that crosses the excluding trenches and, sharing from the diversity and spirituality that exalts, We will Educate our City, in Respect and Sense of Community.

And it is also there that, in the antinomy of Light and Darkness, we must never forget that Life and Education are not built from the SELF, but with the WE in which, each Citizen, from the Compassionate, Tolerant and Understanding Wisdom, must assume that they are all parts of our lives and some will shelter a cold winter and others will shade the burning sun; but, beyond that, we must open our hearts to LIVING IN RESPECT, with serenity and resilience; because then, in the peace and warmth of the spirit, enlightened in fullness of Love and Humanity, we will be able to continue our path of Educating CITY, from Spirituality and Love.

Friends-as ALL-AS, history also teaches that the world and the planets rotate; so that, sooner rather than later the miracle of the true Antofagastina Human Coexistence will be lit to continue digging the furrows of Collective Welfare; For this reason, in the holy nakedness of the stars of our north, from humility and in the legitimation of each other, even knowing that we are imperfect, small, fragile and unfinished in the process of metamorphosis, we must raise our wings, our colors, our word, action and consequence and, as a beacon of universal light of love, peace, harmony and wisdom; promote the Encounter and Reunion to continue, All and All, beautifully Together shelling out mineral colors towards infinity; re-imagining our Futures, to Educate Our Land and the People of it, in Management of Respect and: “TRUE COMMUNITY AND ANTOGASTINITY”

From humility, let’s educate city and community: In respect to Antofagastinidad!