Find out what the third eye is in Doctor Strange 2 and what it may mean for the future of the MCU

The ending of Doctor Strange 2 has left us with many unanswered questions about the future of Stephen Strange


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness leaves many unanswered questions, but the most important one is related to why doctor strange has a third eye on his forehead at the end of the movie.

The third eye in Doctor Strange 2

In Doctor Strange 2, the Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) of the Earth-616 travel with Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) to a reality that has suffered an incursion and in which Stephen he appears to be the only survivor left. These two versions of Doctor Strange face each other when the Strange of Earth-616 attempts to reclaim the dark hold of the evil Doctor Strange.

The sinister Strange reveals a third eye on his forehead, but at the end of the film, Doctor Strange of Earth-616 is seen with his own third eyefirst in the final scene of the film when he is walking down the street before collapsing in pain, and later when Clea (Charlize Theron) he informs her that he will help her fix a raid in Doctor Strange 2’s post-credits scene.

doctor strange 2

In some real-world spiritual beliefs, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment. Furthermore, they think that this can generate abilities to see beyond the visible world and even grant clairvoyance. However, within the comics of Marvelthe third eye is related to the Eye of Agamotto.

Doctor Strange’s third eye in Marvel Comics

In the Marvel comics, Doctor Strange’s third eye is connected to the eye of agamottoa talisman that his MCU counterpart has used since his debut in Doctor Strange. Full access to the Eye of Agamotto powers usually results in the appearance of a third eye on the wearer’s forehead which is used on occasion when applying the powers of the Eye of Agamotto. talisman. So, in theory, Doctor Strange’s third eye in Doctor Strange 2 is the Eye of Agamotto himself.

Although Doctor Strange has had the Eye of Agamotto for a long time, prior to the events of Avengers: Infinity Warthe Eye was considered as a lodging for the Time Gem. Doctor Strange rebuilt the relic after it Thanos damage it and it can be seen that he has been using it since it appeared in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Now that he has a third eye on his forehead, we can think that he can finally take advantage of the great powers that the third eye possesses. eye of agamotto.

The third eye and its relationship with the Darkhold in Doctor Strange 2

While in the Marvel comics the Eye of Agamotto is associated with white magic and can only be used by those with true intentions, in the MCU this is changing. Apparently the third eye of the evil Doctor Strange opened by using dark hold and, according to the time Doctor Strange of Earth-616’s third eye was opened in Doctor Strange 2, it’s his use of the book that allows him to fully access the Eye of Agamotto’s powers.

This is connected with the fact that the Doctor Strange uses the Darkhold to experiment with the dreamwalka form of astral projection through the multiverse, and this time outside of his body could mean that he has finally been able to follow the instructions he once gave him Ancient (Tilda Swinton) in Doctor Strange when she sends him to the astral plane: “open your eye”.

doctor strange

In the comics, the Eye of Agamotto was created by Agamotto when he held the role of Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. The Eye of Agamotto then passed onto Doctor Strange and helped him defeat Dormammu and since then he has been handled by various charactersmainly the Sorcerer Supreme.

The utility of the Eye of Agamotto in Doctor Strange

The Eye of Agamotto has various powers and makes a third eye visible on the wearer’s forehead.. Third eye powers allow Doctor Strange certain telepathic abilities that allow him to see aspects of another person’s soul.. The Eye of Agamotto is one of the few talismans that can be used on the Astral Plane.

doctor strange third eye

By using the Eye of Agamotto as part of his own being, Doctor Strange can emit a telltale light that allows the user to see through any type of camouflage.

The third eye can also replay recent events, an ability that is also reflected in Doctor Strange 2 as Strange and América Chavez see past memories unfold before them. What is seen in the film may suggest that a part of the access to the power of the Eye of Agamotto and the appearance of the third eye in Doctor Strange 2 will be an important part for the future of the character.

Find out what the third eye is in Doctor Strange 2 and what it may mean for the future of the MCU