Trembling Left Eye: What Spiritual Significance?

Whether one is religious or deeply atheist, mysticism is deeply rooted in our lives. Sometimes it is given the name of legend or superstition and over time the concepts become confused. What about that quivering left eye phenomenon we’ve all experienced? “Superstition is the reservoir of all truths” said Charles Baudelaire. This is to say … Read more

Cristiano Carotti, If the eye weren’t solar … White Noise

“If the eye were not solar, how could we see light?”. This is the question he poses to the world of art and to the individual more generally, the artist Cristiano Carottiwith his third solo show at the White Noise gallery in Rome. Trying to explore the various answers that art can offer and demonstrate, … Read more

Find out what the third eye is in Doctor Strange 2 and what it may mean for the future of the MCU

The ending of Doctor Strange 2 has left us with many unanswered questions about the future of Stephen Strange Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness leaves many unanswered questions, but the most important one is related to why doctor strange has a third eye on his forehead at the end of the movie. The … Read more