“My love at first sight for the cinema struck among the beauties of Varese”

by Gianluca Brambilla

From the streets of Casciago to the big screen. Giacomo Campiotti, director and screenwriter, fell in love with cinema during his childhood in the Varese area. Since then, he has come a long way: from “Corsa di primavera” – his first film, set in the province of Varese – to “La sposa”, the TV series that aired in January in prime time on Rai Uno . In between, a very long list of hits, from “Red bracelets” to “White as milk, red as blood”.

What memories do you have of your childhood in Varese?

“I am very attached to the territory, both geographically and socially. I go back at least a couple of times a year to visit my family. I owe a lot of my career to the beauty of these places, which I first toured with scouts and then with friends. I would say it was a great school of willpower. “

Is that where your passion for cinema was born?

“Certainly. I remember that already in middle school I always participated in the cineforums organized by the institute. Sometimes it also happened that they took us to the Piccolo teatro in Milan to see Giorgio Strehler’s shows. That’s where my love for cinema was born. art”.

His first steps in cinema moved them alongside Mario Monicelli. What memory do you have of him?

“The experience as assistant director on the set of” Il Marchese del grillo “opened up a world to me that I did not know before. Monicelli was a severe man, but also with a very big heart: a fake gruff. From him I learned to manage relationships with the troupe. My other great teacher was Ermanno Olmi, who was a decisive influence for the type of cinema I do today “.

What is the common thread that binds your films?

“Italian cinema has always been a cinema of great social denunciation. I, on the other hand, have chosen a different path: I try to make motivational films, which tell stories of characters able to inspire those in the room and push people to roll up their minds.

sleeves. This is why I stage characters who, in their human simplicity, have managed to affect their time and give hope “.

With “Red bracelets” and “White as milk, red as blood” he tackled issues often considered “taboo”, such as death and illness. Was it a winning bet?

“Absolutely yes. Even if we don’t like to admit it, death is part of our life. And on television it is often represented only in an apparent way. In my films I have tried to show another side as well, that of mourning. With “Braccialetti rossi” I was the first to bring these themes to Rai Uno. I would like to clarify, however, that there was no intention to exploit or make a show of pain “.

Throughout his career he has worked with many great actors. Is there anyone with whom a particular harmony was born?

“The ones that have remained in my heart the most are the Downs boys of” Everyone is perfect “. It was difficult to work with them, but the result is very good. They did an exceptional job. Even today we still feel almost every day: for me It was a great life experience. Then I remember with great affection the maestro Gigi Proietti: a giant of cinema, always humble and available to everyone. In general I like actors who show not only their professionalism, but also their hearts . This is the only way to really bring the character to life. “

What are you working on right now?

“I’m auditioning for a new TV series on the fall of fascism, which will be broadcast on Rai Uno. Unfortunately, I can’t say anything more”.

What is your secret dream? Is there a story you would like to tell?

“I’m struggling to be able to make other films about the saints. Not to tell holy cards, but men and women who have influenced their lives and can be an example. I would very much like to tell St. Joseph of Copertino, the protector of aviators but also of students . He was considered by everyone to be the village idiot, but he has a truly incredible story. Another character I would like to tell is Yogananda, the Indian guru who spread Indian yoga and spirituality throughout the West. “

“My love at first sight for the cinema struck among the beauties of Varese” – What to do