Exhibition: in Nîmes, the Etruscans reveal a rich and mysterious past

Fascinating, mysterious, sometimes indecipherable, the Etruscan civilization is revealed to the general public in the setting of the Museum of Romanity in Nîmes, through the temporary exhibition “Etruscans, a civilization of the Mediterranean”. Before Roman times, the Etruscan people occupied a large part of Italy, mainly in Tuscany, but also in Corsica. “There are a … Read more

How rich is Maluma? This is your fortune and how you spend it

Maluma He is continually the center of media attention, either for his controversial lyrics in his reggaeton songs, for his collaborations with luxury fashion brandsconcerts and collaborations. Recently the Colombian was a topic of conversation for having launched his own brand of mezcal called Contraluzand with whom he entered the alcohol industry. Contraluz is one … Read more

Festival dei 2Mondi, rich menu … they bog me down! Philip Glass, brilliant but mortified choice

Because those who came to Spoleto yesterday did not find a single inaugural show in front of them (as per the tradition of more than ten years), but six of them, all more or less wedged in such a way that whoever wanted to, could have gotten drunk to the point of the Festival, and … Read more