What do butterflies mean according to their color?

In the Southern Hemisphere it is already spring, so you are more likely to see butterflies. So this information is useful both for those who can find them in real life, as well as for those who see them in dreams.

But what do butterflies mean according to their color?

What do white butterflies mean?

If you come across white butterflies it may mean that you are in a healing process and that you are not alone, since your guides are with you giving you support. These butterflies ask you to connect with spirituality and your essence, since that will make your life full of prosperity.


What do black butterflies mean?

The butterflies of this color bring as a message the one that It’s time to free yourself from the emotional stress you may be going through. It’s time to let go, release and transcend barriers to increase your internal strength.


What do purple butterflies mean?

Connecting with butterflies of this color may want to make us understand that It is time to put a positive spin on the negative. What positive thing have the situations you have been experiencing taught you? It is time to find balance and also to open up to look from higher and healing perspectives.


What do yellow butterflies mean?

These butterflies represent a good omen and that is we are entering a moment in our lives where we will be filled with happiness, optimism and new opportunities. Yellow butterflies are seen as a sign of success and that the effort we have put into our things will be rewarded.


What do green butterflies mean?

green butterflies they mean growth, harmony and also fertility, so if you want to be a mother or a father it is a good time, be it for a child or a project. This butterfly color indicates that success, luck and prosperity are approaching.


What do brown butterflies mean?

If you meet or dream of a brown butterfly, it means that there will be important movements in your life, since there is news that is approaching and that may indicate that it is time to close some cycles. There are hidden things that can begin to come to light.


What do blue butterflies mean?

Meeting blue butterflies or seeing them in some way can be a symbol of tranquility and serenity, so it is something you need in your life and it is good that your decisions are directed towards what gives you peace. It’s time to observe your emotions and work on them, so don’t hesitate to ask for support.


What do orange butterflies mean?

The famous orange butterflies are an indication of optimism and joy, being very likely that in some area of ​​your life you reconnect with creativity and fun. It’s time to celebrate, share and laugh.


What do red butterflies mean?

These butterflies represent passion, romance and strength, so it is a great time to let passionate love come into your life and also go in the direction of your security, be it financial, emotional or physical.


What do butterflies mean according to their color?