The HOAC concludes its Summer Courses: “The best social policy is the one that leaves no one behind”

Under the title ‘Dreaming decent work, building practices of communion’, the Workers Brotherhood of Catholic Action (HOAC) carries out, from August 1 to 7 in Salamanca, a new edition of its Summer Courses, a space for deepening, dialogue and coexistence that has had more than 200 people between militants and sympathizers.

“For six years we have been proposing a reflection on the defense of the Decent job. In these courses we have continued to develop this approach focused on the proposals and practices that we defend to move towards work and a decent life, and the spirituality necessary to carry out the dream of decent work”, they point out in a statement.

The courses have been developed in three days

Those of reflection, carried out on August 1 and 2, with the presentation ‘Keys to spirituality and mysticism, from the service of chaplains and animators of the faith’, by Fernando C. Díaz Abajo, general chaplain of the HOAC. “We have recalled the need to rethink the spirituality rooted in the life of the world without ceasing to be contemplative. Pray and reflect on the mission of the counselors and animators of the faith as caretakers of the experience of the Spirit in the lives of the militants”, they point out.

Those of deepening and dialogue, developed from August 3 to 5, on ‘Proposals and practices for a dignified life and decent work’. With the talk ‘On the road to a dignified life, going through decent work’, by Raúl Flores, coordinator of studies at Cáritas Española. “We have delved into the meaning of ‘decent work’, which is much more than just earning a living. On the impact of informal jobs, the reality of employment in the most precarious sectors, the importance of reproductive and care work. We confirm that the best social policy is the one that leaves no one behind”, he emphasizes.

Two experiences of social and solidarity economy have also been known. refashion, with the intervention of its director, Albert Alberich; and Traperos Emaús Huelva, with its coordinator, Javier Rodríguez. Both projects share an objective: to collaborate in the construction of a more inclusive and sustainable society, reducing the social and environmental impact, giving a second chance to objects and people

In the defense of social rights and public services, they have had the testimonies of Sara García, USO trade unionist; Joanen Cunyat, co-spokesperson of the State Board for the Protection of Pensions; Laura Barrio, social researcher and activist for the right to housing; Marciano Sánchez, spokesman for the Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health; and Marius Fullana, member of FAMPA from Valencia. In short, it is shared that we must continue involved in social conquests and in defense of public services, since “they are not eternal, if you don’t keep fighting to maintain them, they will be lost.”

In the second presentation of this day of deepening has intervened Pino Trejo, militant of the HOAC, which with the title ‘Let’s dream of decent work!’, has looked at the reality of the working world today, but with the perspective of the Kingdom. From the need to dream together “dreams of fraternity that improve the world” and to continue dreaming of decent work for everyone and everywhere without getting caught up in the temptations of “everything is said, I on my own, let’s see with what surprises me”.

Also participating in this meeting Americo Monteironational coordinator of the Movement of Christian Workers of Portugal (MTC/LOC) and Cristina Antoñanzas, deputy secretary general of the General Union of Workers (UGT).

A dream in eight keys

In addition to the celebration of the Eucharist with the parish community of the church of San Sebastián, as a sign of community commitment, they have made a public gesture in Plaza de Anaya staging situations of poverty, exclusion, unemployment, precariousness and work accidents, among others. . As well as the response to these realities, based on the defense of decent work, social rights, or on another distribution of wealth and on the promotion of the social and solidarity economy.

The HOAC calls for “dreaming together for decent work” because dreams, as Pope Francis points out, “have the ability to set us in motion, to set us on the path” and because “at this time they do not reach the brain and the hands, we also need the heart and the imagination”. A dream that is structured in eight keys:

  • Access to a stable employment and respect for the essential dignity of every person
  • The reduction of the day to reconcile and rescue creative time from the demands of production
  • The need to enhance the social rightsas inalienable human rights
  • Strict compliance with Law of prevention of labor risks and inspection and control measures that prevent disease and death: Work is for life
  • The promotion and boost training and the working culture of solidarity
  • For the creation of meeting spaces between the world of work and the Church
  • The wealth redistribution through a basic income or universal wage
  • The culture of the common good that allows share goodstime, practice other consumption and strengthen the economy of the common good, social and solidarity

The third space of the courses are the days of prayer, which will take place on August 6 and 7. Facilitated by Àlvar Miralles, chaplain of the HOAC of Segorbe-Castellón, with different meditations on ‘Being people of prayer to take care of precariousness’.

The HOAC concludes its Summer Courses: “The best social policy is the one that leaves no one behind”