Holidays and bridges 2023: the dates on the calendar

What are the Holidays of 2023? How many bridges can I use to enjoy a weekend? When can I take a vacation of more than 7 days taking advantage of public holidays and long weekends? Holidays are always moments of joy, to enjoy life or simply a well-deserved rest. For this reason, it is interesting to know the calendar of Holiday 2023 with the associated bridge days.

For many it is about to close a terrible yearFor others with little surprises. In 2022 it is at the center of a basket that he offered little and asked for muchso it becomes essential to know that you can still take advantage of a few holidays.

As often happens in many towards the end of the year they try to find the “spirituality” on the occasion of holiday season and keep the route taking advantage of the days of Holidays and bridges 2023. Or, simply, to enjoy a weekend.

2023 calendar with holidays and bridges

The prospects for 2023 start with one staggered startor with a New Year’s Eve that falls on a Sunday, therefore the beginning of 2023 opens with Sunday 1 January. Fortunately, in the calendar shown below there are days “perfect” for enjoy life or a rest.

2023 will be lucky, not only for the days associated with holidays and long weekends, be confident luck is yours. Maybe it won’t be a win, but something wonderful will come. If then to brighten the days are the holidays and bridges so much the better.

Sometimes a very few days off is enough for rest your mind, regain strength and enjoy life. With a pinch of goodwill from Easterpassing through the feast of Republic and up to New Year 2024you can get the most unforgettable days not from mark in green and not in red.

** Holidays and long weekends 2023: calendar dates **

I want to start 2023 well”, this is certainly a very used phrase, achievable if accompanied by holidays. Let’s see together the calendar of the month of January 2023which:

  • the first day of celebration is New Year’s Eve: Sunday 1st;

  • the second day of celebration is the Epiphany: Friday 6.

The bridge days of the month of January 2023 are linked to Epiphany, therefore to January 6 linked to weekends 7 and 8 (Saturday and Sunday).

For the month of April 2023

April holidays and bridges, such as:

  • the first anniversary is Easter: Sunday 9;

  • the second day of public holidays is Easter Monday: Monday 10;

  • the third day of celebration is the Liberation: Tuesday 25.

The bridge days of the month of April 2023 qhellos closely linked to Easter and Easter Monday are 8, 9 and 10 (Saturday, Sunday and Monday).

The bridge days related to Liberation Day they are 22, 23, 24 and 25 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday).

The festivities of the month of May 2023

Long weekends and holidays in the month of May:

  • the first anniversary of the month is Labor Day: Monday 1st May.

The days of ponete associated with the month of May which connect to the month of April are 24, 26, 27 and 28 (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday). Ideal for a trip of about two weeks.

The festivities of the month of June 2023

Holidays and bridge days:

  • the first anniversary is the Republic Day: Friday 2;

  • the second is the feast of San Giovanni: Saturday 24.

The bridge days of the month of June are linked to the following weekend, therefore 2, 3 and 4 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

The festivities of the month of August

Bridge days and holidays:

  • the first anniversary is mid-August: Tuesday 15.

The bridge days of the month of August are linked to Ferragosto, therefore 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

The alternative is to extend the bridge days starting already from the 12th and 13th to then hook up to the week of August.

The festivities of the month of November

The days of bridge and festivities:

  • the first anniversary is the Day of Saints: 1st Wednesday.

All Saints’ Day long weekend are 30, 31 (October) and 1 (November), with the possibility of extending to day 2 and hooking up to weekend 4 and 5 (Saturday and Sunday).

The festivities of the month of December

The days of public holidays and long weekends:

  • the first anniversary is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception: 8th Friday;

  • the second Christmas: Monday 25;

  • the third is Santo Stefano: Tuesday 26.

The bridge days related to first Christmas holiday it’s 9 and 10.

The other days are related to Christmas and Boxing Daytherefore we start from 25 and 26, and then consider the weekend 30 and 31 and the first day of the year January 1, 2024.

Holidays and bridges 2023: the dates on the calendar