Family Sunday

FOCUS / Salomón Beltrán Caballero


“Wherever one member suffers, all the members sympathize, and if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with him. You therefore are the mystical body of Christ, and members joined to members” (Corinthians 12: 26-27)

We all have a place in the church of Christ, and we are just as important to Him, but it is in each one of us, how to make our ministry effective, there will be those who are more active and give greater dynamism to their work and there will be others, that without saying a word, with their work they are in the grace of God.

Many of us are afraid of constantly failing Jesus Christ, but He will always see those who are repentant at heart with mercy and will encourage them to continue fighting for the purpose of honoring Him with good deeds, because the pain generated by our wrong behavior will also affect other members. of our family.

How many of us, when we experience a problem, feel like we are drowning in a glass of water, and in our desperation we eagerly seek to solve it, guided first by the alternatives that our human capacity offers us, leaving the use of the great power of faith for a second term . Does praying and asking God for his help detract from the earthly power we possess? Do we reserve the power of our spiritual force to extreme cases, when we feel prey to despair? Some people jokingly say that God has much bigger problems to solve and they don’t want to distract him with their nonsense. I assure you that no matter how big or small our problems are, God is always attentive to help us with the same love as always.

In my life I kept an infamous resentment, as a child, I experienced the harmful effect of jealousy, I saw how my mother gave more attention to some of my brothers, especially those who had inappropriate behavior, product of confusion and lack of parental guidance, as well as the smallest and weakest; One day I was very upset and I approached her complaining and asked her: Why don’t you love me like you love my brothers? She looked at me in such a sweet way, delicately put her right hand on my head and with such a soft and loving voice she answered me: The healthy do not need the doctor, but the sick; I can assure you that I felt my spirit tremble upon hearing those words and they acted with great power on my heart, and today that I feel that my spirituality is more mature, and with it has allowed me a greater rapprochement with Jesus Christ, for my faith, I thank you I confess that those words came from my God, my Lord and Savior.

“And the Lord said to them: If you have faith as big as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to that moral: Uproot yourself, and transplant yourself in the sea, and it will obey you” (Lk. 17:6).

Thank you Lord for giving us the joy of believing in you and feeling your presence in every moment of our lives.

Bless our families, give peace and harmony to our country. Bless all our Family Sundays.

Copyright © La Capital 2022

Family Sunday – The Capital