Chiavari: “Appointment in the Gallery” from 3 to 11 September

From the press office of the Chiavari Economic Society

We create light by Kriss Guenzati Dubini
Gian Francesco Grasso Gallery, Piazza San Giovanni 3 – Chiavari
from 3 to 11 September 2022
Inauguration Saturday 3 September at 5.30 pm
Open every day from 10.30 to 12.30 and from 17.30 to 19.30

In Kriss Guenzati Dubini’s work, the representation of light has distinguished his artistic research for several years, inserting himself into a contemporary tradition that tries to approach the supernatural without symbols and without rituals but through the canvas and its colors. From an initial figurative study, where the light is in the eyes and in the brightness of the faces he portrays, the artist has continued his exploration giving more and more space to the elements of painting. If Kandinsky was looking for the primary elements of pictorial research to recompose them, Kriss Guenzati Dubini uses the brightness of the white color, a source of light, to which he contrasts vigorous strokes of color, with the aim of connecting with our interiority. The sensory experience suggested by the drafting and symbolism of the colors reflects the artist’s will to recognize the connection between the human and the cosmic spiritual.
The visual research carried out on flat surfaces is flanked by the tactile one with the creation of sculptures that translate the study of the volume between light and shadows into matter.

The artistic sensibility is transmitted to her by her father Carlo, architect and artist.
In 1970 he graduated in painting from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, where he developed his passion for abstract painting and the human figure.
In the first period of activity he turns to abstract-geometric language, creating large-format works that address the theme of tension and strength through the diagonal that indicates the becoming of life.
From the mid-1980s he approaches figurative art, stimulated by the desire to translate the strong emotions aroused by the observation of the face, a living and real subject, onto the canvas. Thus she begins a path of inner research that will strongly connote her artistic expressiveness and she deepens the study of meditation and morphopsychology to go deeper into the character of the characters. From this moment on she devoted herself almost exclusively to portraiture, creating works for important personalities from the world of industry and culture including the Mantero, Buccellati, Mentasti, Trussardi families, the Ruffo di Calabria princes, the Borromeo, Marzotto, Belgioioso counts.
In 1991 the first major anthological exhibition “Family Portraits” at the Museum of Contemporary History in Milan with a wide selection of his works in watercolor, oil, charcoal and acrylic. Hence her portraiture production of her will have a great impetus that will lead her to work in Europe and the USA where she meets Leo Castelli, who shows a strong appreciation for her work.
His work arouses great interest precisely because of the connection between the classical tradition of the portrait and its contemporary and introspective style, where the portrait becomes an instrument of celebration of the history of a family, satisfying the need for the “eternal”.
Later he approaches another artistic form loved by his father: sculpture. Light is the constant in his art: our inner light connected with cosmic light. Her constant spiritual search is highlighted in the sense of harmony and strength transmitted both by the women of light and by the latest abstract sculptures in steel and bronze.
In the latter period she is very involved in the search for the relationship between woman and her Goddesses / Archetypes: Minerva, Venus and the Yoga Woman represent the strength, femininity and spirituality with which every woman comes into contact and interacts.
Lives and works in Milan.

Chiavari: “Appointment in the Gallery” from 3 to 11 September – LevanteNews