Noel: And spirituality?

By Julien Dubois (Local Journalism Initiative)

Christmas is fast approaching. The joyous ritual of decorations and gifts is set up while obscuring the religious aspect. To the great regret of Christian Vermette, parish priest of Saint-Joseph de Chambly.

The radios start playing Christmas hits on repeat, the children’s gift lists grow and the streets don their festive decorations. And the birth of Jesus, in all this? “Christmas has become a commercial holiday,” sighs Christian Vermette, parish priest of Saint-Joseph de Chambly. We must celebrate a Redeemer who saved Humanity. However, today, people turn to illusions. As long as you are in the illusion, you are controlled. We got lost in the material. People prefer a big house, the latest car or video games. But only love is eternal. It is necessary to secure the spiritual life rather than the material. For that, I think you have to go through a synodal spirit. »

“Faith is what you amplify in a weakened humanity. –Christian Vermette

The influence of religion has diminished over time in Quebec society. “We removed the spiritual side in education and that worries me, continues the man of the Church. Some have used pedophilia scandals to discredit religion. We are erasing our roots. Marguerite Bourgeoys and Marguerite d’Youville gave their lives for others. Everything was set up by missionaries: hospitals, schools… We are in a land of Christianity. It took us out of ignorance! »

Regarding pedophilia, the priest claims to fight it. “When I was a young street worker in my twenties, I traveled the streets of Montreal to get children out of underage prostitution rings. Pedophilia exists everywhere and has always existed. People criticizing the Church do not know that she asks for forgiveness every day. Curing pedophilia requires a lot of love. It goes through mercy. When I say that, victims want to jump on me. However, it must be understood that the Church is holy, but sinful by the totality of its members, myself included! Religion is there for the sick, not the healthy. The Church will always be criticized, but we are here to heal. Nevertheless, I also used to say that some people think they are healthy when not necessarily. Healing begins with recognizing one’s illness. It takes a lot of humility. We are constantly in spiritual warfare to become better. »

Be free to choose

Humility is an essential point in the company’s vision. “For example, we want to get away from old age with operations or medication instead of simply accepting it and living with it,” continues Christian Vermette. Spiritual ignorance has set in. We buy ourselves a life and we are fine, but we are not free. Faith is what you amplify in a weakened humanity. The pandemic has taken its toll, and the Church has also had a difficult time organizing the celebrations between the provaccines and the antivaccines. “I was completely against containment during the pandemic. You can’t prevent someone from seeing their loved ones knowing the risks. A wise people stays free. However, I have witnessed a division of the population where some have become health specialists. ”

Listen to the hearts of others

According to the priest, religion is a solution, but it remains complicated to seek new believers. It’s hard to talk about Jesus to people who don’t know him. We need to change the language. If I arrive shouting “God exists! “I will not be listened to. On the contrary, we must listen to people’s hearts. What do they really want? Not their whims. They have to say what they are going through and we have to walk together. A conversion of heart is together. For this, one must be ready to welcome the Lord and let him grow in oneself. ”

To celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Saint-Joseph parish offers four masses, one a week, until December 24. “We are all going to prepare together for the first ceremony, assures the priest. The second will be a call to conversion. Are you ready to receive healing? This is the path to freedom. God respects freedom. The Church does not tell people what to think, but gives food for thought. She wants people to realize themselves by thinking for themselves, while some parents want to control their children’s lives. The third mass will be an opportunity to rejoice in his arrival before the fourth is the joy of welcoming him. »

The ceremonies take place on Sundays at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the parish of Saint-Joseph, 164, rue Martel.

Noel: And spirituality? – The Chambly newspaper