GRANDSTAND. “What the attack on Salman Rushdie says about us”

7:00 p.m., August 20, 2022

Éric Delbecque, expert in internal security, former deputy director of security at Charlie Hebdoauthor of Permanent insecurity (Éditions du Cerf), denounces in a forum the Western impotence to protect its citizens and their freedom of expression, highlighted by the aggression suffered by Salman Rushdie. Here is his platform: “Salman Rushdie is the living symbol of Western impotence. Not a military, geopolitical or geoeconomic impotence, but a paralysis of the force to want, to want to exist and to believe in its values. The British writer has been reminding us for several decades of our dramatic lack of will.

The United States and Europe no longer know how to defend the freedom of conscience, of expression and ultimately the physical integrity, the life of their citizens when they decide to make use of these freedoms. This is true for any citizen (cf. the Mila affair), it is also true for writers, journalists, intellectuals who every day vivify this power to say, to question, to express the dynamic of the mind that tirelessly seeks emancipation, and the right to disagree, subject to respecting some limits laid down by law. When they are threatened or even assassinated, as were the cartoonists and authors of Charlie Hebdoit is the worst of fascist totalitarianisms that is expressed.

Islamism is fascism, which has been vampirizing a religion for a hundred years now

Let’s be clear: Islamism is fascism, which has vampirized a religion for a hundred years now, because the latter has not decisively undertaken its necessary work of sophistication on its own. But “useful idiots” in Western democracies still find a way to want to make a pact with these heirs of Hitler and Mussolini. They are called Islamo-leftists, but they are first and foremost Munich residents who play us a scene resembling a German-Soviet pact of 1939… Knowing of course, to be clear, that they are the ones who are resuscitating the Stalinist style and his view of the world. They pose a serious threat to our societies by sabotaging as much as possible our collective capacity to resist the fascist barbarism that is Islamism.

Read also – “I had become an American novelist”: in the United States, Salman Rushdie had found a haven

As a result, they serve as allies to our aggressors in what constitutes a genuine war of ideas. Because it is mind control that jihadists of all stripes pursue. From the Muslim Brotherhood supporters of the armed struggle to the Iranian ideologues, there is only one design: to prohibit all Muslims on the planet from thinking outside their interpretation of Islam, which forms a totalitarian matrix, an ideological framework and politics radically foreign to any quest for spirituality. There is no doubt that they make God and all the angels in heaven cry… Veritable tartuffes, they offend any believer at any time, whatever their religion. However, they rage without encountering a response commensurate with the danger. JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter, is now threatened by an obscure idiot in Pakistan for supporting Salman Rushdie.

In turn, they want to impose silence on us and deny us freedom. They hysterically oppose the individual, their power, their creativity, and of course all Enlightenment Islam, their deepest anguish, because it would asphyxiate them by revealing that they are simply the successors of the brown and black shirts .

No longer a single zone of lawlessness should be able to prosper durably on French soil

We must therefore more than ever refuse their victory in this titanic ongoing duel of doctrines, philosophies, ideas: we must bury Western self-hatred, no longer give in to permanent guilt, to the fraud of denouncing an Islamophobia which is nothing but a big disinformation machine created for political reasons by Islamist activists. How long will we tolerate this circus in France without providing the only credible answer that offers us a perspective? Namely, never to back down on our territory in the face of daily intimidation. No longer a single lawless zone should be able to prosper durably on French soil. The war of attrition must begin, in order to overcome a separatism which is the other name of fascism. »

GRANDSTAND. “What the attack on Salman Rushdie says about us”