Victoria Di Pace offers a groundbreaking version of “Romeo and Juliet” at El Umbral de Primavera from October 16

The Threshold of Spring hosts the premiere of Romeo and Julietunder the review of Victoria DiPace about Shakespeare’s classic, playing with the genre and making an allegory around the human being. In this shattering vision two women will play the main characters, playing with gender in the cast. Likewise, the verse is defended as the original essence. It can be enjoyed from October 16 to November 6 at The Threshold of Spring.

Premiere of ‘Romeo and Juliet’

Verona society finds itself plunged into a war between families, the Capulets and the Montagues. The law of the strongest prevails, where surviving and having power is the only thing that matters. In this context, Romeo and Juliet are born, standing as symbols of a series of human characteristics transcending gender itself.

And that is why, in this proposal by Victoria Di Pace, we find the two central characters played by women: “Romeo and Juliet is the story of Romeo to reach Juliet, the story of the soul that seeks to reach spirituality. Shakespeare, as we can see through his monologues, created a strong, brave and determined Juliet, a true heroine, because strength does not have to do with the fact that we are not going to be afraid in life, but with the fact that we face it by taking a step forward towards love. And there is Juliet “.

Allegory of the human being

Juliet’s sensitivity, but also Romeo’s, in this proposal fill the scene with a very powerful emotionality. Shakespeare endows each of the characters with a specific and very solid symbology with which he seeks the final balance between head, heart and body. An allegory of the human being in which each character symbolizes a part of us.

A) Yes, Julieta is spirituality, the connection with everything; Romeo symbolizes the soul, which must make a way to grow, to advance; Mercuzio is the inspiring mind, the questioner; Fray Lorenzo symbolizes inner wisdom; the Capulets represent power and low desires; the Montagues our inner structure, which leads us to be something in life; the Mistress is the body itself, the wisdom of it; Benvoglio, he is the one who wants good, the profound search for balance; Teobaldo is the impetus, the vital energy, the impulses; and Paris is the precise thing, the one who has everything under control.

Victoria Di Pace plays with the evocative magnitude of Shakespeare’s words, while maintaining all their poetic force: “These aspects of our interior sometimes live in conflict. It is about aligning mind, heart and body so that they work together, not in opposition. And it is love (and forgiveness) that Shakespeare proposes here as the path to that balance, towards that peace”.

The Threshold of Spring
Photo of “Romeo and Juliet” (Di Pace Company)

scenic proposal

This premiere of Romeo and Julietdirected by Victoria DiPace, remains very faithful to the original text of Shakespeare, respecting the different parts in prose and verse. Produced by the Di Pace company and with an international cast, it seeks to reach the heart of the public because, in the words of the director: “with a Shakespeare on stage the viewer is crossed by very strong emotions”.

The staging contains a decadent aesthetic, with dark, industrial tints. A Verona appears in ruins, destroyed, among wood, drums and stones, surrounded by rubble.

Don’t miss the premiere of Romeo and Juliet in The Spring Threshold from October 16.



Victoria Di Pace offers a groundbreaking version of “Romeo and Juliet” at El Umbral de Primavera from October 16