▷ Types of Tarot » How many are, Arcana and Tarot Decks

It is possible that you have come across an ad about tarot reading, or that you saw this type of reference in movies and series. However, most people do not know what is behind cartomancy and the different types of tarot that exist today. It is an ancient practice that is still very present today, and for which different types of tarot cards have been developed (some with incredible and unique designs). If you are curious about the subject or if you simply would like to know what the tarot is for, in this article you will find the most popular classifications to read the cards.

What is it, elements, meaning and how to do a card reading to guess the future

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arcana tarot

It is a very old method of divination that aims to discover data or events in the future, and even some reasons behind past situations. Since the tarot has existed, it has always been related to mystical images and superior forces that guide the path of human beings. This is the case of angels or arcana. Three things are needed for these readings: a person with the gift of clairvoyance or intuition, an illustrated deck, and a willing consultant.

Before delving into any description of this particular practice, it is important to mention that all types of tarot are based on one primordial concept, which is the arcana. This term refers to the mysterious and implicit energy that is behind something, and that when revealed can represent a vision of the future. Each card represents a special arcane, with a specific story or interpretation. Although the names may vary, depending on the language and the place of origin, you can find The Fool, The Priestess, The Magician, Death, The Lovers, The Hanged Man, The Moon and The Sun, Justice, The World and The Force. .

All types of decks of cards of this style have one element in common: they are formed from major and minor arcana. An average deck is made up of 78 cards, most of which (56 to be exact) are minor. On the other hand, 22 is the total of how many major arcana there are in a common deck.

The major arcana are the main cards of the deck and represent common patterns for all individuals. That is, they refer to human patterns or universal laws. The minor arcana are, for their part, a reference to everyday and fluctuating elements. They are divided into gold, clubs, sword and cups.

The numerology and symbology that exists behind this group of cards is what allows a reading to be complemented, always understanding that they are temporary or momentary energies that go hand in hand with the decisions that the person can make. This is a very broad, generic and quick summary of how the arcana are handled in cartomancy. A base that replicates in other types of reads.

Each of these elements has an image that will be interpreted by the tarot reader, to provide answers or approximations to the reality that is analyzed. For example, the world card in tarot represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is the great peak between two important moments in someone’s history.

Tarot Rider-Waite

Regardless of how many tarot cards there are, the Rider-Waite version is globally recognized as one of the most common. It emerged in 1910 from the hand of the British Arthur Edward Waite, (with original illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith) and is one of the types of tarot decks that every beginner should learn with, if they want to get involved in the world of divination.

It is a group of cards that is divided into 22 major and 56 minor arcana, for a total of 78, with very detailed illustrations of each of the elements. The main feature of this tarot is that the Christian religious references of the older versions are removed. Likewise, several modifications were made to the established symbols and representations, to achieve a concordance with the general characteristics of astrology (such as the most determining features of each sign). The images are heavily influenced by occultism and magical currents.

This deck is accompanied by a summary guide that serves to guide people in their reading. Each card is impregnated with a story and description that complement the tarot reader’s perspective.

The reading is generally done by opening the deck in the form of a fan and then taking out three or four cards that are read together for a broader and more complete interpretation.

gypsy tarot

The tarot has existed for many generations, and the gypsies are – perhaps – one of the best known representations. Among the types of tarot spreads, the gypsy style is the one characterized by its realistic tint.

Within all types of tarot, it is believed that this is one of the most sacred and precise decks, mixing metaphysics, esotericism and alchemy.

Tarot of Marseille

Also the tarot exists in its French version, named after the beautiful Marseille. It is one of the most widespread styles and that gave rise to new types of later decks. Many confuse it with the traditional Spanish card game.

Since there are as many possible interpretations as types of tarot cards in the world, the self-knowledge and concentration of the consultant is key to understanding what French tarot or Marseille tarot is.

For this practice, a type of tarot cards is used that is divided into 3 groups. The common classification of major and minor arcana (with some differences), and -in addition- a third category. The deck has 78 cards, of which 22 are major, 40 suits and golds (minor arcana) and finally, the figures of the court. The aesthetic is classic and medieval, emulating the stained glass windows of antiquity, and they usually handle a fairly reduced color palette (yellow, blue and red are normally used).

It is a type of tarot that people turn to when they want to know which aspects of life present obstacles, or generate uncertainties. It is closely linked to being, and to the development of personal virtues.

egyptian tarot

Finally, to understand what an Egyptian tarot is, you have to understand its relationship to natural events, archetypes and ancient Egyptian symbolism. This is where the main difference lies at the time of interpretation. The types of Egyptian tarot cards are characterized by ancient symbology and their particular aesthetics.

Egyptian traditions and beliefs are reflected in each of the images implemented, with a duality of deity and symbology that helps to form the concepts.

Some historians claim that the original version of the tarot was carved by the God Thoth on papyrus, 3,000 years before Christ, and brought by the gypsies from Egypt to Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century. For this reason the cards are surrounded by symbols and ancient wisdom, since they contain the knowledge of the cosmos, matter, energy, spirit and mind.

The images are divided into three planes or main parts that are connected with the divine, mental and material world. In the upper part of the cards there is a reference to a God of ancient Egypt, and in the lower part there are symbols that combined translate into a message for the consultant. To make this spread, a pyramid of six major arcana cards is formed, plus card number 78, which corresponds to “madness”.

Cartomancy is an ancient practice that, regardless of the large number of types of tarot decks that exist, always seeks to focus on two important points: intuition and the path of the human being. It is not defined how many tarot cards there are, since the design and intention behind each deck is very varied. Among the types of tarot cards you can find paranormal or religious designs, decks inspired by popular characters or stories, and much more. The important thing is that in each of the different types of tarot it is possible to find a complex universe of mystery, spirituality and study.

▷ Types of Tarot » How many are, Arcana and Tarot Decks