What types of yoga to practice according to my desires?

Verified on 01/26/2023 by PasseportSantĂ© Relaxation, relaxation, muscle strengthening, alignment, maintenance, cardio, spirituality, meditation… Yoga can be a bit of all of these things at the same time, because it has the great advantage of existing in many forms. Some practices are even the opposite of each other. Something to adapt to your moods, your … Read more

Christmas 2022: There are three types of ‘Grinch’ in Mexico

The psychologist Elizabet Hervis Aviles explained that the rejection of Christmas and the holidays by the so-called “Grinch” has to do with different factors and organic, social and emotional responses. In the organic we can refer to the physical ailments that we could experience prior to those dates, from colds, stomach ailments or simply general … Read more

Meditation: definition, different types, benefits, meditation in practice

Published on 05/11/2022 at 00:01 Updated 05/11/2022 at 00:01 in collaboration with Catherine Muzellec (psychomotrician and mindfulness meditation instructor) A thousand-year-old Eastern tradition, meditation comes in many variations, and has been a real craze in the West for several decades. What are the different types? What are its benefits ? How to practice it? What … Read more

The UC Autumn Cultural Agenda hosts a hundred activities for all types of audiences

The UC Autumn Cultural Agenda hosts a hundred activities for all types of audiences The UC Cultural Classrooms open their programming with novelties such as a collaboration with the Gerardo Diego Foundation ​ Between the months of October and December, the UC Cultural Campus Agenda hosts a hundred activities “in which it means doubling … Read more